An AI algorithm will help detect depression by voice, according to a study


A new study conducted by computer scientists from the University of Alberta revealed that an advanced AI algorithm can more effectively detect depression through voice recognition. ;one person. Scientists have conducted this research from several previous studies suggesting that the tone of a person's voice contained information about his mood.

During the research, PhD student Mashrura Tasnim and Professor Eleni Stroulia used standard reference datasets and developed a methodology combining multiple machine learning algorithms to accurately detect depression in people using acoustic signs.

Eleni Stroulia, after the research, revealed that her research was aimed at developing a useful technology that will help people with psychological disorders such as depression.

"A realistic scenario is to ensure that users use an application that collects voice samples when they speak naturally.The application, performed on the user's phone, recognizes and tracks the mood indicators, such as depression, over time, step by step on your phone, you could have a depression indicator based on your voice when using the phone, "said Stroulia in a recent statement.

The research report "Detecting Depression from Voice", recently presented at the Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, adds that such artificial intelligence-based tools will help people to understand their own mood changes over time.

"This work, which develops more accurate detection in standard reference datasets, is the first step," added Stroulia.

A few weeks ago, another study conducted by experts from the University of North Carolina's research school had revealed that brain stimulation could significantly reduce the symptoms of depression. The research report revealed that sending an electrical current through electrodes attached to the scalp improved the symptoms of depression by 70% of participants who took part in the clinical study.

Another study had previously suggested that microdoses of magic mushrooms were very useful in the treatment of depression.

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