An alleged baby Takoradi thief was trying to impress his boyfriend – Lawyer


General News of Wednesday, March 27, 2019



Baby thieves Tadi Rose Fiaku and Lawson Lartey Rose Fiaku and Lawson Lartey are the suspects

An alleged baby thief in Takoradi, in the west of the country, pleaded guilty to this offense, new details explaining the idea behind the abduction of Mawusi, a year.

The suspect, 42-year-old Rose Mawusi Fiaku, was trying to prove to her concubine, 33-year-old Lawson Lartey, proof of the results of her pregnancy.

Lawson Lartey's lawyer, Emmanuel Kofi Arthur, told a group of journalists that his client, a bricklayer, did not know that his pregnant concubine had miscarried.

"But she kept giving the impression to my client that she had actually delivered the goods," he said.

During the night, the suspect, Rose Fiaku, a seamstress, brought a baby to her concubine baderting that "this is your son".

The Freemason journeyman returns from a long stay and asks to see his "son".

After about three days of pressure from the enthusiastic "father", Rose Fiaku returned with a one – year – old boy to the delight of Lawson Lartey.

To get this "son", Rose would walk the Market Circle in Takoradi on Friday, March 22nd.

She would hear a woman mention "Mawusi" – her name too. Only this woman was referring to her son.

The suspect approached the woman and the complainant, Harriet Eshun, a small shopkeeper, and used the coincidence of their Ewe names to engage in conversation and acquaintance.

According to the police statement, the suspect offered to buy his sausage to the children of his "new friend" and plaintiff, Francis Mawusi Ahiagbenu, victim of a year, and his brother Lucas Mawuli Ahiagbenu, aged three years.

The suspect returned with the three-year-old's brother's brother, who did not fit his plan to bring a year-old child to his "father, Lawson Lartey," who was waiting.

The Market Circle in Takoradi has been plunged into a frenzy following the new story of a missing child, while the city still suffers from the kidnapping of three teenagers last year.

Away from the hectic market was a peaceful home in Effiakuma where Rose Fiaku lived with Lawson Lartey.

The bricklayer would go for a walk with his "son" whom he named Ibrahim, showing him to neighbors, his lawyer said in court.

It was a CCTV system attached to the office of the mortgage lending company in Ghana that captured the slim, fair and fairly short woman who was going with the baby hanging on her right hand.

Rose Mawusi Fiaku was arrested at dawn with Lawson Lartey, accused of crime.

Inside the Takoradi Harbor Circuit Court, there were other stories.

Rose Fiaku told the court presided over by judge Abena Akyem Dorku that she was sick and that she had been vomiting. Curiously, the presiding judge asked if she was pregnant.

Rose, who had claimed to have had a miscarriage, claimed that she was pregnant.

But the story changed after the judge ordered that a pregnancy test be performed. The seamstress explained that it would not be necessary because she had another miscarriage after the police misbehaved during her arrest.

While the thief confessed herself, her concubine, Lawson Lartey, pleaded not guilty.

His lawyer does not believe that he will be convicted. "I can tell you that this is not a case that will result in a conviction," he said.

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