An American architect chosen to design the garden of the Eiffel Tower in Paris without cars


The city of Paris has chosen an American landscape architect to redraw a vast space around the Eiffel Tower, a project that will ban almost all vehicles in circulation near the huge popular monument.

"We can create the largest garden in Paris … with a lot more biodiversity, a lot more ecology," said Kathryn Gustafson at the announcement of the plan by the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo.

Gustafson studied in France, where she designed several parks and squares, but is best known internationally for her fountain in memory of British Princess Diana in Hyde Park, London.

A total of 54 hectares, currently crossed by several roads, including two major thoroughfares on each side of the Seine, will be largely ceded to pedestrians and "low-impact transport" such as lanes reserved for buses and cyclists .

In particular, the lanes reserved for cars on the Iena bridge that span the right and left banks below the Eiffel Tower will also be devoted to lawns and rows of trees, according to a video rendering of the project.

"We are going to have an extraordinary garden where we will hear the birds sing again," Hidalgo said.

This will appeal to the 150,000 or so visitors who visit the site every day during the peak summer season, including the 20,000 to 30,000 people who climb the tower itself.

In total, seven million people visit the tower each year.

The expansive garden will extend from the Ecole Militaire, an 18th-century military academy, to the modernist Trocadero esplanade and to its Chaillot Palace, built for the 1937 International Exposition. .

The project also includes a redesign of the vast lawns of the Champ de Mars, site of dozens of major public events each year, such as concerts or mbad screenings of sports events such as the World Cup.

The bulk of the work, which is expected to cost 72 million euros ($ 80 million), is expected to be completed before the start of the 2024 summer Olympics in Paris.

"The Tower will be at the center of a vast park that will make Parisians want to visit," said Jean-Louis Missika, deputy mayor of the city, in charge of urban planning.

Currently, there are "too many cars, too much mbad tourism, too many coaches," he said.

A mountaineer "admitted to a psychiatric unit"

At the same time, a man, presumably Russian, who unleashed a mbadive evacuation of the Eiffel Tower by climbing the emblematic emblem of Paris was admitted to a psychiatric unit, legal sources said Tuesday.

The man caused chaos Monday and closure of the monument to tourists by spending six hours hung on the outer metal structure of the Eiffel Tower.

His identity has not been revealed. He was interrogated on Tuesday by the police and was admitted to the police psychiatric hospital.

An investigation was opened for unauthorized entry into a cultural monument, said a judicial source.

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