An arms deal worth $ 2 billion: the group petitions Buhari about members of the investigative committee


A group asked President Muhammadu Buhari to reconsider the composition of the $ 2 billion embezzled arms markets under President Goodluck Jonathan's latest regime.


In an open letter to President Buhari, the group, Egalitarian Coalition of Nigeria, alleged that senior members of his firm complicit in the deal could not turn to become a judge in a case involving them.

When the president took office in 2015, he asked the national security adviser, Babagana Monguno, to convene an investigation committee on the purchase of equipment and ammunition in the armed forces from 2007 to These days.

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As a result, the National Security Advisor has established the Defense Procurement Audit Committee (CADEP).

But the group in the petition, signed by Dr. Suleiman Attahiru, executive director, and secretary, Sir Fabian Aigbosua (KSJ), told President Buhari that dominating the power to form the committee within the councilor's office for national security was a mistake, but the national security adviser, Babagana Mungono, was part of the flow of the system at the time as commander of the guards brigade, head of the intelligence agency of the defense, then of the TRADOC commander in 2013, after his retirement from the Nigerian army.

"Mr. Babagana Mungono, the NSA, has no way of claiming to disregard all the underhand transactions of buying weapons and ammunition during the reporting period because of the strategic position that He occupied.

"Mr. President, and as expected, the NSA has concealed its mistakes by taking charge of the work of the commission and by ensuring that the sneaky transactions that were linked to it while it was in the corridors of the power remain untouchable. All are in the public space.

"Mr. President, some members of CADEP are guilty of the same act in which they crucified other people simply because the National Security Adviser has your ear and your attention at all times.

"This was evident during the arrest of the Commodore of Air Usman Mohammed, a member of CADEP by the State Security Department, who had asked CADEP members to receive a financial reward for those who had been the subject of a commission investigation, "said the group.


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