An Ely officer reprimands a deer chasing a man


Roy got out of his patrol car and shouted to try to hijack the deer, according to the Ely police press release. The deer stopped, then continued to follow the dog walker. When Roy shouted again, the deer turned and headed for the officer. Two dogs behind a fence on the other side of the street began to bark, and the deer went towards them and hit the fence with his hoof.

Roy contacted a conservation officer from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, who explained that the deer was probably behaving aggressively because he was the mother of a newborn baby.

"Officer Roy gave the deer a verbal warning and was fired," the press release said.

The press release indicated that fawns are born from mid-May to early June. The DNR advises the fawns to stay where they are. In most cases, the mother will be nearby even if she is not in sight. The big cats can stay alone for three days.

Doing with fawns can be aggressive, police Ely said. People should stay away from them for their own safety and keep their pets too.

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