An ITC judge finds Apple's infringement of the Qualcomm patent and recommends the ban on the importation of certain iPhone models by the United States


The patent battle Qualcomm-Apple continues. A US judge ruled that some iPhone models had infringed Qualcomm's patents.

The decision of the judge of the International Trade Commission means that the judge recommended the ban to import some models of iPhone. However, the decision may need to be reconsidered by the full board before a ban comes into effect. It is unlikely that the ban affects the latest models such as the iPhone XS and the iPhone XR.

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Apple had already been the subject of a ban on imports into China. In this case, Apple promptly released a software update that circumvented the patent claims.

There is currently a sale ban in Germany. Apple withdrew German models of iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 while the decision was being appealed in court.

The judge concluded that Apple had breached one of the three Qualcomm patents examined. Apple is still to comment on the issue. It is not yet clear which iPhone models would be banned if it came into effect.

AAPL stock has fallen sharply on the news. Qualcomm and Apple participated in an intense legal battle around the world. Apple believes that Qualcomm has abused its monopoly position in modems, which has prevented it from using alternative providers on its iPhone for a long time.

Apple has started to abandon the Qualcomm models with the iPhone 7 and all modern iPhone modems are manufactured by Intel.

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