An old NASA study gave spiders drugs to see how it affects their canvases and make you want to never drink coffee again


  • The researchers exposed the spiders to a range of chemicals, including caffeine, marijuana and benzedrine, and noted how they spin the web differently under the influence of each.
  • Look what the different canvases look like.
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The scientific advantages and disadvantages of coffee are well documented. But how much do we know about brain function under the influence of caffeine?

A 1995 NASA study on the effects of various chemicals on spiders gives us insight into how caffeine affects the brain. She has published a terrifying graph showing how caffeine is toxic to the brain.

Read more: What happens to your body when you drink too much coffee

The researchers exposed the spiders to various chemicals, including caffeine, marijuana and benzedrine, a type of amphetamine, and explained how they spun their web under the influence of each of these substances.

Spiders usually spin webs by producing silk from their silk glands using their dies, which are special organs that allow them to decide what type of thread they need at different times.

Flickr / cybershotking

spider web

NASA researchers found that the more the Web seemed distorted compared to a normal Web, the more toxic the chemical was.

Look at the full graph here and compare yourself:


web study of coffee nasa spider

"It seems that one of the most eloquent measures of toxicity is a decrease, compared to a normal web, in the number of completed faces in cells: the greater the toxicity, the greater the spider does. fails to complete his faces, "says the study said.

NASA / Reuters

coffee nasa isspresso scott kelly

This does not mean that caffeine is necessarily bad for our brain, however.

Earlier this month, scientists discovered that by consuming at least two cups of coffee a day, the risk of death from cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes could be reduced.

Read Julia Naftulin's report from INSIDER on the study here.

NOW WATCH: I stopped drinking coffee for a week and I will not do it again

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