Previously in Big BrotherGr8ful became Unde9able and is now The Six Shooters with Jack, Michie, Holly, Analysis, Christie and Tommy. So, remove Sam, Bella and Nick from their alliance without telling them. For eviction last week, the three outcasts thought everyone would vote for Nicole. However, the Six Shooters blinded them and voted to expel Cliff instead. In addition, Christie won panic power and informed almost everyone in the house, including the new winner of Head of Household, who is not part of her alliance. Who won the HoH, and what power moves did the winner make? Keep reading to find out!
Nick and Bella feel betrayed by their alliance
Almost immediately after the live evictions, Nick and Bella gathered their alliance to find out why they had changed the vote and said nothing to the couple. Sam agreed with Nick and thought that it seemed stupid to have Nicole voting when everyone decided to eliminate Cliff. As a result, the three directors "Gr8ful" and "De9able" are now gone, and Nick admitted that he no longer knew he could trust their old alliance.
Bella also tried to expose the sneaky ways of the group; however, Jack called her as the one who split their alliance before leaving the room. The Six Shooters have admitted that Nick and Bella would be their next target, and Michie wants Nicole on their side to take the show out of the house. Michie then tried to get comfortable with the inspector, he banned the first episode and voted for the eviction last week, Cliff, but he does not buy it.
Who won the "Big Brother" contest of season 21, episode 12, Head of household?
Guests, with the exception of HoH Nick, participated in Patch Perfect, where campers were asked questions about BB patches displayed on a screen. Two players were eliminated each round. either those with incorrect answers or the last two to buzz in their answer.
Nicole and Holly were the first two cut. And then Kathryn and Isabella had the wrong answer, Bella claiming that she had pressed the wrong button. Jessica and Analysis, Michie and Sam, and Tommy and Christie have all been eliminated, leaving Old Man against Aqua Man. Cliff selected the right answer before Jack, becoming the new head of household.
Who did the head of household of season 21, episode 12 of "Big Brother" name for an eviction?
Everyone recently voted against Cliff, he became the most popular camper in the house. Several candidates wanted to talk to him about who he would propose. Nicole, Jessica, Kathryn, Bella and Nick knew that they were safe and Cliff wanted to make the big heavyweights of the game sweat a little bit more.
Michie approached him with a plan that Cliff would name him as a pawn so that he could gain veto power and that Christie could use his power, changing it into diamond power. As a result, Cliff went to rebadess who he would set up because he does not want Christie to use his power.
He talked to Nick and Bella and made a deal with them, telling himself that he did not care about Bella's trickery as long as they continued working with him. The couple apparently agreed, and Cliff chose significant power by naming Michie and his best friend at home, Jack. Therefore, even if Michie withdraws from the pack, her number one has yet to be eliminated.
Who will gain the power of the veto and will he use it to save Michie or Jack from deportation? Watch Big Brother Wednesdays at 20h. IS on CBS!
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