Analysis Review – IGN


Crawl is a small, catchy B movie that tackles people's most basic fears and instincts when it comes to surviving against a larger and more deadly animal. Carefully led by Alexandre Aja, Crawl is perhaps a more user-friendly ritual for the horror director than even his remake of Piranha. This is often less horrible than most other Aja movies, relying more on suspense rather than bloody consequences – even if that does not mean that there is no not many scary moments (it's a film of When Animals Attack, after all). The film has a remarkably simple but effective principle, a literal monster in the scenario of the house that sees Haley (a Kaya Scodelario), a competing swimmer, struggling – a skill set up from the get-go for you to know it will bring in more late – trapped in a flooded house filled with voracious alligators. When a Category 5 hurricane hits Florida, Haley violates the evacuation order to go check on her father, Dave (Barry Pepper), who has not responded to repeated calls or texting .

Gallery of exploration

It turns out that Dave is injured and stuck in the basement of his house with several gators – just like Haley. The way they try to thwart these predators and survive is the main source of entertainment and tension in the film. With his men-eating gators, his violent hurricane, his destructive floods and his wandering looters, Crawl could just as easily have been called Florida Is Terrible: The Movie. This gives the Keys a place as attractive as the Jurbadic Park in Isla Nubar, whether it is a true image of this region or not. (Sorry, Florida!)

A good part of Crawl is taking place in the basement or crawl space of Dave's house – which immediately calls for the suspension of disbelief, because I do not believe that Florida Keys homes are known to have them. no more, but, hey, the movies – and Aja makes every square inch of this dark, gloomy space for a nerve-wracking effect. The pipes are the only things that keep Haley and Dave away from the matches, but that does not mean that they can stay hidden for too long because Dave is already seriously injured, the floodwaters rise and the house is more and more damaged. Aja masterfully increases the claustrophobia of being trapped in such a seemingly unavoidable setting, as well as the fear of not knowing what might be hiding around you in the dark or in the water.

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As expected, Haley's swinging skills are used in action and suspense scenes, but her struggles as an athlete also serve as a source of friction and distance between her father and herself. Their emotional journey is not the coolest idea, but the solid performances of Scodelario and Pepper invested have helped to melt this raised film into a human and relatable universe, as well as possible. And since Haley and Dave are both from the Floridian, they are not completely unknown to gators, hurricanes, and so on. They are more prepared than an ordinary horror movie character would be, but the power of these ancient beasts testifies to the fact that even these two equally capable protagonists find themselves at the door of death.

Crawl is an ideal movie at midnight, to do with your friends and to have fun thanks to the collective fear and nervous laughter it provokes. The movie may not offer much new ground to those already familiar with Jaws or Lake Placid, but Crawl is full of thrills and fun. If you are afraid to meet a wild animal, then Crawl will make you hope that you will never do it.

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