Anas' inability to provide us with more evidence has blocked Nyantakyi's prosecution – A-G | Policy


Attorney General Gloria Akufo said it was unfair for Anas Aremeyaw, an undercover investigative journalist, to launch an online petition to summon the former president of the Ghanaian Federation. (KFA), Kwesi Nyantakyi. We expect better justice.

In an interview with BBC News, the Attorney General indicated that the case was stopped due to the impossibility for Anas to provide some additional documents necessary for further investigation.

Therefore, he will be wrong to conclude that his wife [Gloria Akufo] The office took no action against Kwesi Nyantakyi nearly a year after the first of the presentation number 12.

"We are going to see a lawsuit, we have made that decision, but we need to have all the evidence, which could affect our current project.

"I'm surprised that we have the impression that we do not really want to sue, but that it is actually unfair to this office, in particular, because we have dealt directly with Anas and he knows the efforts we have made and what we are doing. calling, and the fact that we have indicated what we need to allow us to progress on what he has not yet provided us, he declared forcefully.


According to reports, Anas Aremeyaw, an undercover investigative journalist, has launched an online petition demanding that the former president of the Ghana Football Federation (KFA), Kwesi Nyantakyi, be prosecuted, arguing that this would compel the competent authorities to summon the man who had been a member of the CAF executive. Committee facing the criminal charges that it deserves

Anas is alarmed by the fact that months after the premiere of his undercover issue of No. 12, no appropriate action has been taken against Mr. Nyantakyi by the Government of Ghana.

Nyantakyi, who was captured during the presentation of issue 12 and who was involved in alleged shady dealings, had already been banned for life by FIFA, the governing body of world football.

Anas, in an article on the online petition platform, said he was shocked by the fact that the Attorney General had not addressed the case, despite the circumstantial evidence that forced FIFA to ban Nyantakyi.

"The police have completed investigations into the likely criminal behavior cases of Mr. Nyantakyi. They submitted their findings to the Attorney General last year [2018]. The Attorney General has not taken any action to date. Help us ask the Attorney General to move this case forward. Mr. Nyantakyi should be criminally prosecuted for some of his faults, which border on crime, Anas added.

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