Anas is on the list of 100 most influential Africans


Anas Aremeyaw Anas, a Ghanaian investigative journalist, has been named in the Africa Report's inaugural ranking of the best Africans who control the levers of power in politics, economics and the arts.

The list features billionaire barons to unpredictable peacemakers and superstars of soft power.

Aliko Dangote, the richest man in Africa, tops the list.

The 13-year-old Mo Ibrahim Index contains over ten years of African governance data in specific and practical recommendations for African leaders.

Through the four pillars of his foundation – a prize, an event, a report and scholarships – the Sudanese businessman turned philanthropist makes people think about governance on the continent.

He works tirelessly to arouse strong emotions about the climate, the democratic and technological changes that are about to hit the continent.

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22 – Mike Adenuga

Alliance builder


As the second richest entrepreneur on the continent, Adenuga has broken with its traditional relationships. He recently funded the construction of the Alliance Française in Lagos and was awarded the Légion d'Honneur, the highest civilian honor bestowed by French President Emmanuel Macron.

23 – Muhoho Kenyatta

Family affair


The younger brother of President Uhuru Kenyatta is so erased that he does not even have an entry on Wikipedia. But he is the driving force behind Kenyatta's vast business empire.

An industrious and hard-working backstage, he orchestrated Kenyatta expansion in the agri-food, logistics and finance sectors, including the recent merger of the NIC Group and the Commercial Bank of Africa (CBA). CBA, owned by the Kenyatta family, is growing rapidly, driven by the boom in mobile money lending in Kenya.

The Brookside dairy company, owned by Kenyatta, wants to expand its business outside of Kenya and is looking for an opening in the Ethiopian market. The Kenyan political insiders also said that it was Muhoho who had organized the famous handshake of March 9, 2018 between his brother and his political rival Raila Odinga. This paid off for a long period of political acrimony that resulted in violently contested elections.

24 – Idris Elba


Ghana / Sierra Leone

The Londoner, whose parents are Sierra Leonean and Ghanaian, has had a global reach through his lead role in the HBO cult series, The Wire. Since then, his illustrious career has led him several times to the continent, especially for the films Sometimes in April on the Rwandan genocide; Women's Detective Agency Number 1, filmed in Botswana; Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, for which he received a Golden Globe nomination; and Beasts of No Nation, shot in Ghana and based on Uzodinma Iweala 's novel.

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In 2019, the British public will be able to see his play Tree on Life in South Africa after Nelson Mandela, co-written with Kwame Kwei-Armah, artistic director of the Young Vic Theater. But many are waiting to see if it will be the next James Bond.

25 – Anas Aremeyaw Anas

Truth teller


Known simply as "Anas" his incessant exposure to corruption in Ghana and beyond has spawned many imitators and has earned him collaboration with major broadcasters, including the BBC and Al Jazeera.

The badbadination in January of Ahmed Husein, who had collaborated with Anas on a speech that led to the dismantling of the Ghana Football Federation and the dismissal of a FIFA referee, was a gloomy confirmation of the importance of his work under cover. His groundbreaking investigation into corruption in Ghana's justice system led to the suspension and impeachment of several judges.

26 – James Mwangi

With sharp eyes


By identifying potential at the bottom of Kenya's economic pyramid, Mwangi has turned Equity Bank into a market player in the thriving financial sector. Mwangi took advantage of this momentum to transform Equity Bank into a leading player in the mobile money sector, as well as to expand its operations to regional markets, such as South Sudan and the DRC, becoming Kenya's most international bank.

27 – Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

Global banker


The Harvard-trained development economist had a role of "super minister" under Goodluck Jonathan's presidency when he had put in place crucial reforms of the electricity sector and introduced legislation aimed at help local businesses enter the oil and gas value chains. .

But Jonathan's government was also infamous for the opaque and opaque deals that took place at the time.

Her move to the government gave her enough material to write a book on corruption, and that 's what she did, calling Reforming the Unreformable. Okonjo-Iweala remains a driver of good governance, arguing that countries need to improve the way they manage and spend money before spending more money, for example, on a major new effort to improve health care.

The former Nigerian Minister of Finance is currently chairman of the board of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (Gavi) and was appointed to Twitter's board of directors in January.

28 – Patrice Motsepe

Mining money

South Africa

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The billionaire tycoon founded diversified mining company African Rainbow Minerals, which is looking for new opportunities in copper mining. Motsepe is also committed to finance with TymeBank – the country's first all-digital bank – and in policy by pledging $ 250 million for the continuation of South Africa's land reform program.

The Black Economic Empowerment Champion made the announcement at the Global Citizen Festival in December, where he welcomed businesses, governments and foundations, pledging US $ 7.5 billion to end extreme poverty in the world. sounds of Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Wizkid (No. 18) and others.

"We are united in unity as leaders and we are determined to work together to ensure that the ongoing land reform process results in the establishment of a territory with the support and necessary skills available to blacks living in rural areas, "explained Motsepe.

29 – Mohamed Salah

Knight in white


From his penalty that qualified Egypt for the World Cup for the first time in 28 years in his hat trick that led Liverpool to the top of the Premier League, Salah delighted every time he goes to a football field . His goals have earned him many awards and he has been immortalized by statues and street art, but Salah is not only loved for his prodigious footwork.

He engaged socially on and off the pitch: refusing to celebrate a goal against Chelsea out of respect for the victims of the attack on the Sinai mosque, he forced supporters to think beyond rivalry. and more broadly to fight against poverty and drug addiction.

30 – Olusegun Obasanjo

Quality fixator


"OBJ" is Africa's most famous back seat pilot. The doyen of Nigerian politics has had an impact on every presidential election of the last 40 years and his blessing makes or breaks a political career.

His choices defy alliances between parties: after supporting the Muhammadu Buhari of the All Progressive Congress in 2015, he pbaded in 2019 to Atiku Abubakar, of the People's Democratic Party – who was once his own vice president. He is also one of the richest businessmen in the country.

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