Angela Merkel, health update: the crisis was triggered by "memories of previous episodes" | World | New


Merkel was seen for the first time shaking uncontrollably on June 18 when she welcomed the new Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selensky to Berlin. She quickly rebadured the audience that the quake was due to lack of water. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier met with Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht at Bellevue Castle nine days later.

The third shaking attack took place Wednesday, but Merkel again stated that she was fine.

She said, "You do not have to worry."

The cause of his tremor has not been revealed.

But Bernhard Osen, head doctor of the psychosomatic clinic and psychotherapist at the Schön Klinik in Bad Bramstedt, believes that the memory of previous attacks has triggered the latest.

He added that the Chancellor could try to practice relaxation techniques.

He told Focus Online: "The tremor is a very unpleasant situation, especially if you are in public and the whole world is watching.

"You will probably want to avoid that at all costs. But trying not to let something happen will happen all the more.

"To avoid this effect, learning relaxation techniques could help.

"It teaches you how to be calm about recurrence and how to reduce pressure."

Uwe Jahnke, Chief Medical Officer, Department of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology, Schön

Klinik in Neustadt, said that Merkel's symptoms reminded her of an "orthostatic tremor".

It is a harmless disease that manifests itself in the form of standing tremor.

He said, "Orthostatic tremor can be treated, among other things, with so-called benzodiazepines.

"However, they have side effects such as dizziness or fatigue, which is why you often have to try different preparations to find the one that's right for you. "But then the disease is treatable."

At the same time, the Antenne Bayern radio station asked the reader Judith Harter to decipher the words of the Chancellor during the last attack.

She said that Merkel had repeated the mantra "I can do it" in order to encourage her to stop shaking.

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