AngloGold Ashanti reopens the Obuasi mines and restricts some jobs for the local population


Company News on Tuesday, January 22, 2019



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Gold mining company AngloGold Ashanti has reopened its mines in Obuasi with measures to restrict some mining jobs for locals.

The mines were officially reopened on 22 January 2019, after its closure in 2014, due to concession difficulties and lack of capital to be injected into the mines.

According to AngloGold Ashanti, the closure of Obuasi's mines has been an opportunity for the company to focus on the maintenance and upkeep of the mining concession over the past four years.

It is estimated that the reopening would create about 550 jobs in the country.

Nana Ampofo, senior manager of sustainable development at AngloGold Ashanti, said the company had shifted manual operations to more mechanized operations.

"We're going into what we call mechanized extraction and it's going to be a mining operation. Previously, a mine that had a lot of employees went from that stage to a new stage in which we will have a mechanized operation with very little highly qualified employees. "

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