Angry Shaanxi workers want illegal pits closed


President of the Shaanxi Mining Workers Union – Michael AnagbireMembers of the Shaanxi Mining Company in Talensi District, Far East, are satisfied with the resumption of work on the Yenyeya and Pubotaba Joint Concession, after the closure of the mine following the accident January 23, which killed 16 people.

In a statement issued at the end of a peaceful demonstration in the district, workers congratulated the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources for its prompt investigation of the accident, saying that if lifting Shaanxi's ban had been lifted on time, some would have faced serious security problems. trials.

They held placards, some of which read; "Kwasi Bantama must be arrested", "Shaanxi must work again" "The groups of concerned citizens are Galamseyers, ignore them".

The workers also want the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources to implement its directive on the closure of all illegal pits in the mining community of Gbane. Workers in Shaanxi Mining believe that many accidents and deaths occur in these ill-created illegal pits, but only some people can blame Shaanxi for it.

"Although the resumption of work is a refreshing news for the more than 600 workers in the company, we are worried about the lack of visible measures on the ground to avoid the recurrence of this incident of January 23, 2019. … Our attention was drawn to parts of the accident investigation report that unequivocally indicate that the illegal pits used by illegal miners to access our underground operations should be sealed by March 31, 2019. … today It is April 3 and yet nothing has been done against these illegal pits, "they said.

According to them, it is regrettable that Shaanxi has always been blamed when accidents occur, while the real culprits, most of whom lure inexperienced miners into illegal pits, take advantage of their money freely.

The workers mentioned one of the Kwesi Appiah, aka Kwesi Bantama, among the people who owned an illegal pit in his home and recruited the youths to cross his pit to steal ore in the concessions from Yenyeya and Pubotaba.

"The investigation report of the Inspection Division of the Minerals Commission revealed that Kwesi Bantama had recruited and used 25 young men in his abyss. However, despite the clarity of this report, illegal miners continue to blame our society (Shaanxi). "

They advised the government not to consider any form of illegal mining and ignore the petition of a group calling itself Concern Citizens of Talensi against the Shaanxi Mining Company.

Their request, including a plea to the Attorney General, calls on him to take proactive measures to seek legal redress for an injunction against the sealing of all illegal pits, as directed by the Department of Lands and Natural Resources. .

They want Kwesi Bantama to be arrested and prosecuted for the deaths of the young men in his well, as recommended in the investigation report. The Shaanxi organizations also want Kwesi Bantama to receive instructions to compensate the families of the young man who died on January 23 in Gbane.

– Daily guide

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