Anyindoho says NDC and NPP may lose relevance to partisan militias


Former Deputy Secretary General of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Koku Anyidoho, warns the two main political parties that they risk losing their relevance in the political space if they fail not to dissolve their militias.

He says Ghanaians are slowly getting tired of the opposition NDC and the new Patriotic Party (NPP) in power because of their inability to deal decisively with political violence.

"I think we all need to hear the commitment of everyone not to just talk lip service to the fight against activism. And once we agree and there is a communiqué at the end of the meeting with the National Peace Council and the signing of the political parties, that is the documentation that the media can display against us " , did he declare.

Over the weekend, President Akufo-Addo strengthened his resolve to pbad a law against the formation of private militias, also referred to as self-defense groups by the country's political parties.

The president told the Ghanaian community of Worcester Mbadachusets that he was determined to ensure that the law was pbaded, despite a planned meeting between leaders of both sides on the issue. He described the issue of vigilance as a "disturbing phenomenon", stressing the need to stifle it in the bud.

Last week, the two parties agreed to a meeting on this issue following a directive from the president in his speech on the state of the nation asking them to end the threat of party militias ahead of the 2020 elections.

He said that if that fails, he would propose legislation in this area.

The leaders of both parties negotiated for weeks and finally agreed to have the National Peace Council mediate the meeting.

President Akufo-Addo, however, asked the Attorney General to draft a law to combat the threat.

Mr. Anyidoho said: "We are ready to accept that calls be made to solve the problem. [political parties] need to save this country. "

"If we do not pay attention as politicians threatened with extinction, we become an endangered species. When you hear discussions in the field and people get fed up with the NDC and the nuclear plant, we are threatened with extinction, "he added.

Meanwhile, the Peace Council is expected to announce a date for holding its first meeting with the two main parties on the issue so that they agree on the terms of the pledge.


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