Apex Legends might not be more successful. The reason is surprising


Apex Legends this is undoubtedly one of the biggest surprises of the current year. The game, which entered trade shows without a specific announcement, while most fans were waiting at the presentation of Titanfall 3, managed to conquer the heart 50 million users and only two months after the start. It is interesting to note that, according to some voices, it might not be possible to improve the statistics cited in the near future. hardware requirements Apex Legends, which according to experts is too high. DFC Intelligence tested the last performance for a month royala battleto compare it with last year's results of Playerunknown's Battlegrounds and Fortnite. Conclusions? Before going into details, it is worth mentioning that the report talks about the low popularity of Apex Legends among young people from 6 to 16 years old.

DFC Intelligence stated that the hardware configuration required by Apex Legends would prevent it from achieving even greater success and reaching the record level of Fortnite.

It is badumed that in this case, the game based on the traditional FPS model, that is to say with a first-person view, should be guilty, while Fortnite, particularly popular among the young, is a third person, more accessible. Thus, the Royal Battle of Epic Games is more suitable for users who do not have the experience of FPS titles. On the other hand, the element connecting PUBG to Apex Legends is, in the opinion of the testers, a high hardware configuration. According to DFC data, 64% of Fortnite computer owners have equipment that meets the minimum requirements, while it is 47% in Apex Legends and 29% for Battleunknown.

In summary, DFCs think that although Apex Legends has been a huge success, it will not reach Fortnite's level of popularity. Without a doubt, for Electronic Arts, which in the past was not good for long-term business models, it's a significant leap forward. And if we're talking about hardware requirements, let me not subscribe to the opinion of DFC Intelligence, because I recently had the opportunity to play Apex Legends with almost all the maximum settings in FullHD (except some of the graphical options are heavily loaded) and Liquidity decreases, unlike PUBG – Bluehole production was virtually optimized from the day of its launch in early access.

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