App Industry Records New Records | Netzwoche


App Annie released the following new apps industry records on Android and iOS: users downloaded more than 30.3 billion apps in the second quarter of 2019. Compared with the previous year, consumer spending increased by more than 20% to nearly $ 22.6 billion.

The number of downloads on Google Play has increased by 10% in one year, reaching nearly 22.5 billion dollars. The Google App Store has generated 185% more downloads than Apple's. On iOS, non-gaming applications accounted for 70% of downloads and 60% of the gaming store.

(Source: App Annie)

Emerging markets continue to drive growth for Google Play. India, Brazil and Indonesia were the top three markets of the year, both in terms of total downloads and absolute growth in the second quarter. On Google Play, the United States, South Korea and Japan contributed the most to the growth in total spending. Compared with the previous year, the United States, Russia and Germany recorded the strongest growth.

On iOS, China, the United States and Japan were the top three download markets, and the United States, Japan and Brazil were the main markets for absolute growth in downloads quarterly, as well as for the growth of the market share from one year to the next. The markets with the highest market share growth compared to the previous year are the United States, Great Britain and Brazil.

Q2 broken in 2019 #mobile records. Consumers have downloaded more than 30.3 billion applications and spent nearly $ 22.6 billion worldwide. Read on to discover the markets and industries that drive growth and breakthrough #apps of the quarter:

– Annie App (@appannie) July 10, 2019

All the study of App Annie can be downloaded here. You can read how the numbers were about a year ago.

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