Apple abandons Xserves in three days without delivering them for three months



In a few days, Apple will graze the venerable line of Macs Xserve Mac servers for Mac mini. Therefore, if you need it, do not expect Apple to do the same to ship it. In fact, the Apple Store now announces that the Xserve Quad-Core and 8-Core servers will not be delivered until three months later.

January 31 may mark the end of the Xserve lineup, but do not worry if you need maintenance: Apple will still sell 160GB, 1 TB, and 2 TB disk modules until the end of the Xserve lineup. year, as well as the maintenance of defective units.

Anyway, if you need an Xserve, start moving: after Jan. 31, you'll need to choose between a Mac mini or Mac Pro on which Snow Leopard Server is installed for your intranet needs. Good luck crammed those in your existing racks.

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