Apple Announces Launch of AirPower Charge Charger


London – Apple must cancel the launch of a long-announced aircraft during an unusual defeat. The AirPower charging mat for wireless charging of up to three devices will not appear, as announced on Friday.

After much effort, it was finally decided that AirPower would not meet Apple's requirements, said Friday the hardware development manager, Dan Riccio, including the technical blogs "The Verge" and "TechCrunch" ".

Apple had already introduced AirPower in September 2017 and then announced without a specific date a market launch for the year 2018. Traditionally, Apple introduced new technologies only when they are ready to be marketed – AirPower will have to face unforeseen difficulties after the show.

According to media reports, Apple would have had technical problems, including too high temperature on the three charging coils for iPhone, Apple Watch computer clock and AirPods headphones. Apple has just launched the AirPods wireless charging box last week – that is why the launch of AirPower was expected. In addition, there had been reports in the media in recent weeks, after which the device was finally put into production. There are now loading mats for two appliances from other manufacturers. (APA / dpa)

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