Apple Martin bites back: teenager reprimands Gwyneth Paltrow about the selfie


When Gwyneth Paltrow posted a mother-daughter selfie with Apple, 14, on Instagram during the week, the responses of her famous comrades followed one another.

"Sweet XXX," wrote Jennifer Garner.

"That face," Elle Mcpherson said.

Apple, however, was less than impressed.

* Gwyneth Paltrow shares a photo with his daughter Apple
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"Mom, we discussed that," she commented under the cliché. "You can not publish anything without my consent."

"You can not even see your face!" Paltrow responded.

The exchange has split the 5.3 million followers of Paltrow, some saying, "Consent? What? She is her mother, she can post what she wants." And others saying, "Let the girl stalked at the paparazzi have her privacy."

Some Instagrammers even labeled Apple, "spoiled", "a kid" and "disrespectful" for not being thrilled by his mother's message.

"I am honestly disgusted by all the comments, 'respect, my child,' said one mother, putting forward the point of view of her defense.

"Do you have 5 million subscribers? Are you constantly in the public eye? No, then, of course, I bet it's not a huge problem for you to post pictures of your kids. anytime.

"Apple did not choose to be part of the public eye, it was born there and it has the right to decide where its image goes, especially with regard to the very popular Instagram account of his mother."

Adding that Apple's account is private, suggesting that the teenager prefers to have control of her image, the comment goes on: "For those of you who say she should have talked about it in private, it seems that she has pbaded and she has not done anything so she is trying a new tactic to call her mother publicly Adults are not immune from making stupid decisions and, honestly, I think the only thing disrespectful here is that Gwyneth does not respect an agreement she had with her daughter.

"It's a beautiful photo, but it was posted without the consent of any of the people who appear and who, no matter what their age, is wrong."

Gwyneth Paltrow sharing a simple selfie with her daughter Apple sparked a debate on the

Jack Plunkett / AP

Gwyneth Paltrow sharing a simple selfie with her daughter Apple has sparked a debate about "sharing".

The comments deal with an increasingly relevant problem in a digital world: do parents have to ask for their consent before publishing pictures of their children online?

We are not all celebrities, but a poll conducted in 2018 by cybersecurity company McAfee found that 60% of Australian mothers and dads did not consult their child before sharing an image and 37% thought they were allowed to view these snapshots. without asking their children first.

This is an in-depth topic in a 2016 article, "Sharenting: Children's Privacy in the Social Media Age," which emphasized the need to give parents "sound empirical rules" for disclosure. online information about their children.

And one of those rules was that children should ultimately have a "veto" over what their parents share.

"Thanks to information sharing, or online sharing on parenting, parents are now changing the digital identity of their children well before these young people open their first email," wrote the author. lead author, Stacey Steinberg, warning that parents' online revelations are "safe to follow their children up to adulthood" ".

And although she noted that "unraveling the parent's right to tell his own story and the right of the child to enter freely into adulthood to create his own digital imprint" is a difficult task, we must take it seriously.

"Parents must take into account the overall effect of psychological sharing on the psychological development of the child," wrote Seinberg in his article. "Children are modeled on the behavior of their parents, and when parents constantly share milestones, monitor their accounts on social networks to look for like-minded people and subscribers, and seek recognition for what was once considered a bbad everyday life, the children take note of it. "

As such, Seinberg and his co-author, pediatrician Bahareh Keith, suggested the following tips:

– Parents should be familiar with the privacy policies of the sites they use.

– When they share a problem such as a "behavioral conflict" that they are having with a child, parents should post messages anonymously.

– Children should have a "veto" on what parents share online, including: images, quotes, achievements and challenges.

– Parents should never share photos showing a child undressing.

– Parents should never indicate the location of their child in a message.

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