Apple may use BOE OLED screens due to Japan's export restrictions on Korea


Apple may be worried about the export restrictions imposed by Japan on South Korea. This could disrupt the production of OLED billboards in the country, affecting both Samsung and LG, which is bad news for the project of Apple to use OLED on all iPhones 2019 .

There were already rumors that Cupertino had had discussions with the Chinese BOE to reduce its dependence on Samsung (which manufactures the iPhone XS duo panels). Japan Display Inc will provide small OLED panels for the next Apple Watch, but it is not ready to produce large panels. That leaves BOE.

Apple may use BOE OLED screens due to Japan's export restrictions on Korea

BOE is already the leading supplier of OLED panels for the Huawei Mate 20 Pro and has manufactured the folding screen of the Mate X. Specifically, BOE creates screens for Apple's iPad and MacBook (though LCDs).

Some sources claim that two new production facilities will soon come into operation – the B11 production plant by the end of the year and B12 by 2020. They will focus on flexible OLED panels .


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