Apple sends the iPad 2 client after his wife has sent him back



Here is a nice story about an iPad 2 that has been made to Apple.

Apple is closely monitoring the returns of iPad 2 as part of its quality badurance process. The company wishes to identify the problems encountered in the first production units, such as the We heard about bleeding backlighting.

But a client has returned his iPad 2 for a different reason: his wife would not let him keep it. He brought his iPad back to the Apple Store with a post-it: "The woman said no."

But two Apple executives got wind of the story and sent him a replacement iPad 2 with a new sticky on it. Guess what it said?

"Apple said yes"

If the lucky reads this, contact us. We would like to hear more.

MacRumors: iPad 2: his wife says no, but Apple says yes

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