Apple stops shipping MacBook Pro before the new models on Thursday?


MacBook Pro-with-bad-credit

Apple has delayed sending MacBook Pro to its online store for 3 to 5 business days … thus delaying the first day you'll be able to receive a MacBook Pro, well before the presumed launch on Thursday of the new generation MacBook Pro. Given the interest of Tim Cook, the religious device of Apple, it has all the features of an official refresh of the MacBook Pro.

As far as specifications are concerned, only Apple can say with certainty what has changed in the MacBook Pro since the last update, but the last major overhaul was the jump to the 2009 unibody, so we need something more important than bump technology.

Rumors about the upcoming MacBook Pro include the near certainty of a jump in Sandy Bridge architecture, a LiquidMetal chbadis, user-exchangeable hard disk / optical drives, a high-density display, ubiquitous SSDs and a slimmer form factor.

Overall, expect the new MacBook Pro to be more similar to its predecessor, as Tim Cook has already made it clear that he sees Air as "the future of the MacBook", and not as a exception.

Update: In the original version of this post, we reported that MacBook Pro had stopped working. This is an error that we have clarified since. We apologize for this mistake.

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