Ardogan's AK party, in trouble, contests election losses in Istanbul


After huge losses in local elections this weekend, the ruling party, the Turkish AK party, has announced plans to challenge the results in the largest city of Istanbul, the hometown of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan .

The results showed a slight lead for the main opposition candidate, the Republican People's Party (CHP), Ekrem Imamoglu. The announcement of the defeat took place after the AKP also lost the capital, Ankara.

Blocking irregularities in Istanbul, the AKP said it intended to oppose the results in 39 districts of the city – according to reports in the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet.

Voters voted for mayors and district chiefs across the country on Sunday. The troubled economy is becoming a central election issue, even though it has been ignored by Erdogan himself.

The loss of Istanbul is a blow to the 65-year-old ruler, who made his way into the 90s when he was mayor of the city.

The reading weakened on Tuesday because of the uncertainty surrounding the election results, which may also complicate his plans to fight the recession in Turkey.

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