Are Kanye West and Donald Trump really friends?


Kanye West has been doing controversial things throughout his life and, over the past two years, he has been making headlines for his support of Donald Trump – someone who's not really loved at Hollywood.

Kanye West wearing Donald Trump's hat
Kanye West wearing Donald Trump's hat | SAUL LOEB / AFP / Getty Images)

This has probably prompted many people to wonder: how Kanye West (the famous man who said "George Bush does not like blacks") came to support a personality like Donald Trump? Are they really friends? Let's look at their story together to see what the answer might be.

Ivanka Trump was a big fan of Kanye West many years ago

The relationship between Kanye West and Donald Trump began a long time ago. In 2009, the daughter of Donald Trump, Ivanka, tweeted that she was attending a concert of Kanye West.

It seems that Ivanka and Kanye have kept in touch, because a year later, a disciple told her that she should have been noticed by Kanye's new album, Ivanka. responded"I know, I just told Kanye too.

Donald Trump congratulated Kanye West on her wedding

The connection between Donald Trump and Kanye West continued in 2014 when Kanye West connected with Kim Kardashian. Donald Trump did not attend the wedding (we do not know if he received an invitation), but he made only beautiful words for the couple.

Speaking to Extra TV, Donald Trump said, "I certainly wish them the best of luck. I know them well and they are very nice people. "

Kanye West supported Donald Trump in the 2016 election

Two years later, after Donald Trump's victory as president, Kanye West revealed that he had not voted. However, when he did, the Republican candidate would have been his choice.

At a concert in San Jose, California, Kanye West made a speech about his support for Donald Trump.

"[Voting for Trump] does not mean that I do not think black life matters; that does not mean that I do not believe in women's rights; that does not mean I do not believe in same-bad marriage, it does not mean I do not believe in these things because that's the type I would vote for, "he said. "If I had voted, I would have voted for Trump."

Many spectators booed Kanye West, but the rapper has not changed position. On other occasions, he was seen wearing Donald Trump's signature "Make America Great Again" and calling the Liberals "intimidated".

Donald Trump continued to rent Kanye West

As for Donald Trump, he has been questioned several times about Kanye West and he often seems to indicate that he loves Kanye West because the rapper has said good things about him.

"I will never speak ill of [Kanye West]", Shared Trump at a press conference. "You know why?" "Because he loves Trump." He goes around saying, "Trump is my hero of all time." He tells everyone, so Kanye West? I love him. "

Are Kanye West and Donald Trump really friends?

At this point, it is clear that Kanye West and Donald Trump are mutually supporting each other in public. West even visited the Trump Tower and the White House on various occasions. However, we still do not know if they really consider themselves as friends because they have never used the word "friends" to describe their relationship.

For many people from the outside, they seem to have only a special bond created due to some commonalities. West and Trump are considered materialistic, narcissistic and out of touch with ordinary mortals – traits that have earned them a negative reputation everywhere. Thus, it is not surprising that they see each other and have thus developed good relationships.

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