Are the police out to kill press freedom?


The French police have been interviewing journalists recently. Eight of them to be precise, with Ariane The world the latest to face questioning. She was here with her cat.

France prides itself on its free and independent press. But this series of interviews has provoked a worried reaction from Reporters Without Borders. Christophe Deloire, secretary general of the non-governmental journalist rights organization, says bluntly, that "investigative reporting is in danger in France, because it is under attack and is threatened with legal action."

So. What exactly is going on? And why?
Ariane Chemin is a senior reporter at The world. She was the journalist behind the story revealing that presidential bodyguard Alexander Benalla had beaten up to protest while disguised as a police officer.

Benalla has since been sacked, and the scandal in which the presidential team has been accused of making Emmanuel Macron's popularity ratings.

The summonses have been created in French media circles on the subject of journalistic independence and freedom of expression, especially when they report to the police. and the UAE were used in Yemen.

According to Christophe Deloire, "it is to be feared that, with these summonses, the authorities are trying to intimidate journalists and identify their sources so as to punish or dissuade them."

You can not do that there ere!
There is a legal basis for each of the two cases, involving Benalla and the Yemen.

In the article on the Benalla affair, Ariane Road revealed that one Chokri Wakrim was a member of the special forces, breaking a 2016 law. . . Article 413-14 of the Penal Code. . . which has never been been enforced. It is, nonetheless, a member of such a unit.

James Chokri Wakrim is also the partner of Elodie Poitout, head of security at the Prime Minister's Office. Elodie has just been sacked following media revelations that she and Chokri had welcomed Alexandre Benalla to their home, in the midst of the scandal. Incidentally, apart from inviting dodgy guests around the house, since his handing in his Walther PKK, Chokri has gotten to his slippers and become, would you believe, an accountant.

In the Yemen Arms Case, involving journalists from the site Disclose, the police allege that they based their reports on clbadified criminal information, and that's also a criminal act, covered by article 413-9 of the same Penal Code.

The police would obviously like to know who they are Chokri and who supplied the clbadified files. Hence the pressure on the journalists.

The law is notoriously unclear because of the vague concept of the "public interest," in which the interests of the journalist are supposed to work. But no one is sure how far that leads to the revelation of the identities of special agents or of military secrets.

Piling on police pressure
Nobody for a moment thinks that the eight reporters who have been interviewed are going to name names. They have a constitutional duty to protect their sources.

The Gunehec, interviewed by Renaud Le Gunehec The world, has been steadily building over the past decade. Journalists who make a habit of poking their noses into police and judicial affairs are more likely than their colleagues to be called in for a little talk.

The potential penalties are serious. Ariane Way could be fined 5,000 euros and go to jail for five years; the Disclose reporters are facing 75,000 euros and seven years behind bars.

Goal The world says they will probably get off with a warning. If only because of a public trial involving journalists could turn out to be worse than embarrbading for the authorities.

France is currently rated 32nd of the 180 countries in the global press freedom rankings published annually by Reporters Without Borders.

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