Aromas of electronic cigarettes may pose a risk: study


Electronic cigarettes are not considered as dangerous as ordinary cigarettes, but researchers have found an indication that their aroma may be harmful to the heart.

Long-time smokers who can not get rid of their addiction sometimes turn to e-cigarettes in hopes of avoiding the carcinogenic chemicals found in tobacco.

But smoking does not just cause lung cancer. It is also a major cause of heart attacks, and little is known about electronic cigarettes and heart disease.

The chemicals contained in inhaled vapors can pose unique risks that it is important to understand, especially as more and more teenagers are taking fumes.

"It is not possible for me to go to a patient and strip him of his artery and test it" for a reaction to a vaping, said Dr. Joseph Wu, director of the hospital. Cardiovascular institute of Stanford University.

In laboratory dishes, Wu's team developed cells that normally line the human blood vessels and exposed them to six different electronic cigarette flavors, checking whether the flavors – not just the nicotine – had any effects.

They also followed what happened when these cells were bathed in blood taken from people just after receiving an electronic cigarette.

Research and some aromas, even without nicotine, have triggered blood vessel dysfunction that may increase the risk of heart disease, researchers at the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reported.

Cinnamon and menthol seemed the most toxic.

The results "suggest that even without the smoke of combustible cigarette products, there could be a smoldering fire of adverse health effects," wrote Dr. Jane Freedman of the University of Mbadachusetts in an editorial d & # 39; accompaniment.

At a recent cardiac meeting, another study looked at medical records to conclude that e-cigarette users had a higher risk of heart attack than those who used neither vape nor tobacco, but that Was there a clue.

Wu's team plans additional studies.

US public health officials are alarmed by an explosion of juvenile vaping, but Wu said it was not just a question for teens.

He is worried about people already suffering from heart disease and may think that switching from tobacco to electronic cigarettes is enough protection.

"It's really a warning that people should not be complacent and think that these electronic cigarettes are completely safe," Wu said.

Australian Associated Press

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