Ashanti Regional Police arrest car fraud union | criminality


The command of the Ashanti Regional Police arrested three people suspected of being part of a syndicate of car scammers in the metropolis of Kumasi.
They are Osei Abrokwah, 32, Daniel Kofi Yirenkyi, 35, and Emmanuel Kwasi Anane, 32.

Deputy Police Superintendent (ASP) Godwin Ahianyo, the public relations officer of the Ashanti Regional Police (PRO), told the media in Kumasi that the main targets of the suspects were the dealers in the city. ; automobiles.

He added that their modus operandi was to approach unsuspecting auto dealers and pretend to be interested in buying a particular vehicle, after which they would issue a check, promising that it would expire in three business days.

He said that they would deliberately leave the vehicle documents at the dealership on the pretext that they would come for the documents after the withdrawal of the money, which would be a ploy to win the trust of the dealers.

ASP Ahianyo said that the suspects would eventually prepare a counterfeit document to cover the vehicle, send it to a prospective buyer located in a different garage and use it to obtain a buyer loan, using the vehicle as a guarantee.

According to ASP Ahianyo, the suspect would then call the original owner of the vehicle and inform him that the vehicle was left in a particular garage and that he can pick up his vehicle because they are no longer interested.

The owner of the vehicle only went to the garage to discover that the vehicle had been used as collateral to obtain a loan from the second victim.

The prosecutor said the suspects were not lucky enough to be spared on March 26, when police informed them of their activities and arrested them.

He added that preliminary investigations by the police had revealed that they had cheated a large number of car salesmen and other people in the Kumasi metropolis and in other parts of the country.

He added that the suspects had also been involved in hijacking trucks loaded with rice, beans, sugar and cashews.

He called on all those who may have been victims of the suspects to report to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) to badist in their investigations.

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