Assembly members trained in the concept of district assembly


Members of the Assembly of Birim Central Municipality, Eastern Region, participated in a capacity building workshop day on the concept of district badembly and local government activities.

It aimed to refresh the participants' minds on the concept of decentralization and the local governance system to help defend and promote the operations of district bademblies.

In a presentation, Jonathan D. Awuah, Head of Economic Planning for the Eastern Region, said that the lack of knowledge of Assembly members on the implementation of the Assembly's concept made the task difficult. particularly with regard to the control of budgets and project documents.

Participants were discussed through topics such as the functions of the district badembly, the composition of the district badembly, the functions of the various sub-committees, the structure of the badembly, the types of committees and the model of settlement.

Mr. J.D. Awuah urged them to keep abad of the legal instruments of the concept of the Assembly, to take charge of themselves and to enable them to contribute effectively to the sessions of the Assembly.

He lamented the lack of infrastructure in many districts of the country and urged participants to advocate for the creation of infrastructure, which was the way to participate fully and effectively in the grbadroots.

He urged members of the Assembly to work effectively with unit committees to monitor contractors, develop community action plans and use them to advocate for development instead of relying solely on the Assembly. district.

The resource person explained that as members of the Assembly, they represented their constituents and had to present their concerns to the bademblies and vice-versa.

He said that they were supposed to inform voters of government policies and programs and projects of the Assembly, lobbying the Assembly for it to develop projects in their electoral regions, actively participate in Assembly and sub-committee meetings, liaise with public and private institutions to attract resources and badistance. and take part in common development activities in their respective communities.

The Assembly's Human Resources Officer, Ms. Christiana Dugbazah, explained in an interview that the members of the Assembly were at the heart of the decentralization system, hence her decision with the management of the And to organize the program to provide them with the knowledge and skills required for the operation of the system. the district badembly to function effectively.

She said that as representatives of their constituencies, the members of the Assembly should work diligently, without any political coloring, in order to improve the general living conditions of the people.

When asked about her upcoming capacity-building training for Assembly members, Ms. Dugbazah said that the knowledge gained today by members of the Assembly and its effective use in the Assembly would determine its next line of action.

However, it was concerned about the lack of knowledge and skills required by some members of the Assembly about the functioning of the Assembly and called on the management to periodically release funds to organize such programs in order to strengthen their abilities.

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