Association of Muscular Dystrophy Bridges Between Clinical and Academic Neuromuscular Research for Primary T1


NEW YORK, March 26, 2019 / PRNewswire / – Laser Carrying New Horizons in Neuromuscular Research and Care, the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) For the First Time Combines Clinical and Scientific Conferences to Create a Meeting Place for Clinicians and Patients investigators from all over the country. Medical and scientific experts in neuromuscular diseases from academia, the private sector, government and industry will participate in this inaugural meeting on the theme "Progress in Motion". The annual MDA clinical and scientific conference will take place April 14-17, 2019at the Hyatt Regency Orlando.

"The MDA care and research network has been critical at every stage and achievement of neuromuscular disease.Reuniting the research communities and clinics as part of a comprehensive conference is part of the ongoing engagement. of MDA to facilitate collaboration and have a powerful impact on diagnosis, progression and treatment, "said MDA President and Chief Executive Officer Lynn O 'Connor Vos. "We know that this requires both researchers and clinicians working together to make the necessary progress in providing care and in the search for a cure – ultimately, advancing the mission of our organization. . "

The culmination of the conference is expected to attract a thousand participants. Janet Woodbad & # 39; s keynote address, a multi-expert panel of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and more than 25 presentations on the platform and 80 posters.

"This is a period of unprecedented progress for the treatment of neuromuscular diseases," he said. Janet Woodbad, M.D., Director, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. "In the past three years, the FDA has approved new treatments – offering non-existent therapeutic options to the patients who need them most – and I look forward to discussing and celebrating these successes as we welcome a new era in neuromuscular diseases, treatment and research. "

The conference provides key members of the neuromuscular community with an invaluable opportunity to discuss critical breakthroughs, explore new investigative opportunities and work directly with people with neuromuscular disorders.

Highlights of the conference and MDA flagship initiatives
At the conference, MDA will share and celebrate the latest advances in the field of neuromuscular disorders during various sessions, including several flagship programs and initiatives, such as:

  • Networking session for MDA Fellows: Dedicated to the presentation of research on neuromuscular diseases by young scientists funded by MDA.
    • Sunday 4/14: From 15:00 to 17:00 ET
  • Dr. Opening Speech Janet Woodbad, Director, Center for Evaluation and Drug Research, Food and Drug Administration
    • Monday 4/15: 9h00-10h00 ET
  • Panel of the FDA with Dr. Janet Woodbad, Dr. Peter Marks, Director, Center for Evaluation and Research of Organic Products, Food and Drug Administration, and main experts
    • Monday 4/15: 10: 30-12: 00 ET
  • Session on gene targeting therapies in two parts: Featuring leading researchers in the field of genetic medicine.
    • Monday 4/15: 13h30-15h30 and 16:00 – 18:00 ET
  • Advocacy pavilion and technology pavilion for the first time: A Defense Pavilion with more than 13 advocacy organizations and a technology pavilion showcasing the latest technology breakthroughs from leading technology innovators will debut throughout the conference to foster opportunities for collaboration among clinicians, researchers, partners pharmaceutical, biotechnological and industrial.
    • Sunday 4/14 to Wednesday 4/17
  • Neonatal screening panel: With leading medical experts and advocacy experts and key stakeholders from institutions and organizations across the United States
    • Wednesday 4/17: 10:30 – 12:30 ET

The conference will cover a wide range of topics, including genetic diagnostics and the rise of personalized medicine; the latest developments in neonatal screening; best practices in disease management for cardiac care, physical therapy, bone health, technology and nutrition; transition from pediatric to adult care; augmentative communication; therapeutic and clinical trials.

The full agenda of the conference is available on the MDA website at the following address: agenda.

About MDA
MDA is committed to transforming the lives of people with muscular dystrophy, ALS and related neuromuscular diseases. We do this through scientific innovations and innovations in care. As the primary source of funding for research on neuromuscular diseases outside the federal government, MDA has committed more than $ 1 billion since its inception to accelerate the discovery of treatments and treatments. The research we have supported is directly related to life-changing therapies in multiple neuromuscular disorders. MDA's MOVR is a transformational platform, combining MDA's network of healthcare centers with a state-of-the-art information management system to improve health outcomes for patients with chronic disease. neuromuscular disease and accelerate the development of drugs.

MDA supports the largest network of multidisciplinary clinics providing the best care in more than 150 of the country's top medical institutions. Our resource center serves the community with personalized, specialized support and provides educational conferences, events and materials for families and health care providers. Every year, thousands of kids and young adults gain vital life skills and gain independence at the MDA summer camp and as part of recreational programs at no cost to families. For more information, visit

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SOURCE Muscular Dystrophy Association

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