Asthmatics are threatened by poor inhalation technique


Paul Wilson

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Paul Wilson


Paul Wilson ran the 2018 London Marathon for Asthma UK

Paul Wilson was hospitalized 48 times as a result of his asthma and had to be resuscitated 25 times.

But last year, the 44-year-old Beith player in North Ayrshire managed to run the London Marathon.

He says his health has improved significantly after a vital appointment with an asthma nurse about his inhaler.

Now, he is supporting a new campaign urging others to use their medications properly.

Experts say that more than a million people in the UK could be exposed to a life – threatening asthma attack because they do not have their inhalation technique checked.

Mr. Wilson admitted that he had not participated in his annual asthma exams because he had not attended vital technical exams for his inhalers with his general practitioner.

He said: "My asthma has been rushed to the hospital countless times, I have been given infusions, nebulizers and even intensive care.

"But I had never really thought about how to manage my asthma or how to properly use my inhaler.

"Looking back, I was just taking a whiff and hoping for the best."

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According to Asthma UK, 1,410 people died of asthma in the UK in 2016

The consequences of his bad technique could have been fatal.

He added, "My symptoms were getting so severe that I had an asthma attack every week.

"I woke up in the middle of the night, out of breath and had the impression that someone was sitting on my chest."

The results of an appointment with her asthma nurse to review her meds were surprising.


Mr. Wilson recalled, "They said that the way I used my inhaler meant that only 10 to 20% of the medications went into my lungs.

"They showed me the right inhalation technique and gave me a spacer to use, and the difference this has made to my asthma is incredible.

"I even ran the London Marathon for Asthma UK last year.

"I never thought that something so simple could completely transform my life."

A UK report on asthma found that almost one in five people (19%) did not undergo inhalation control.

The charity said that research also shows that almost half of people with asthma do not use their inhaler properly, often without realizing it.

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In the UK, more than five million people are undergoing asthma treatment

This means that the full dose of medication can not get into their lungs where it is needed to protect them from a life-threatening asthma attack.

Instead, the drug stays in the mouth or in the back of the throat, which can also make people more susceptible to side effects such as thrush and sore throat.

According to national guidelines, all asthmatics should have their inhalation technique checked as part of their annual asthma checkup with their general practitioner or asthma nurse.

The charity has also launched videos on its website showing how to use more than 21 different inhalers, spacers or nasal sprays, including pDMD, Turbohaler and HandiHaler.

It also invites patients and parents of children with asthma to attend their asthma reviews and watch the videos with their general practitioner or asthma nurse so they are aware of how they should use their asthma reviews. inhaler correctly.

"Really disturbing"

Common mistakes include breathing too much or not loud enough, insufficient breathing or insufficient preparation of the inhaler, such as shaking it before using it.

If people have trouble using their inhalation technique properly, it can also be helpful to use a spacer, a hollow chamber that attaches to the inhaler and facilitates the penetration of the drug into the lungs.

Dr. Andy Whittamore, Clinical Lead at Asthma UK, said, "Inhalers are the daily treatment for most asthmatics, so it's really worrisome that many people do not take them properly or do not have their technique checked by them. doctor, asthma nurse.

"With so many different types of inhalers that are all used in different ways, it can be difficult for patients and health professionals to know the proper way to use them.

"It is also easy for patients to take bad habits or simply forget the best technique after their appointments, especially if they use a new type of inhaler.

"But even a small change in how a person uses his inhaler can make a huge difference and could prevent him from having a life-threatening asthma attack."

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