Attack on Sudanese army surges as China and Russia block UN action | New


According to Sudanese doctors, the number of people killed since the badault of security forces in a protest camp in the capital has been increased to at least 60. European countries have condemned the crackdown on pro-democracy protesters, without, however, reaching a position of the United Nations Security Council.

The ruling junta said on Wednesday that it was open to new talks with an opposition alliance.

Security forces fired live ammunition at dawn on Monday while they were eliminating the sit-in in front of the army headquarters in Khartoum, which had become for weeks the main rallying point of the protesters in their long struggle for a civilian regime.

The Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors, linked to the opposition, announced Wednesday the death toll since the operation Monday – the last day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan – has gone from 35 to at least 60 people, with hundreds injured.

The committee stated that it had organized "the militias of the [military] council … responsible for this mbadacre ".

Protesters in Sudan said at least 35 people were killed Monday during a military crackdown in Khartoum.

– Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) June 4, 2019

The protesters had previously designated 16-year-old paramilitary paramilitary support forces in the western Darfur region, whose commander is the vice-president of the ruling military council.

The Sudanese military leader on Wednesday proposed resuming dialogue on the transition to democracy, a day after canceling all agreements with the opposition coalition.

In a message to Eid al-Fitr on national television, Lieutenant-General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan paid tribute to the uprising that began in December and resulted in the overthrow of the army and on the arrest of President Omar al-Bashir in April. He was always ready to hand over power to an elected government, he said.

"We, members of the military council, are extending their hands to unhindered negotiations, with the exception of the interests of the motherland," Burhan said.

Earlier, he had announced that he was giving up any negotiations with protest groups and had announced that he would hold elections within nine months.

Shot and gas

Activists Mohammed Najib and Hashim al-Sudani said that there was street fighting on Tuesday and early Wednesday in Bahri and Buri districts of Khartoum between protesters and security forces, mainly paramilitary support forces quick.

"In Buri, there was a lot of shooting and tear gas," al-Sudani said. "They tried to force people into narrow streets" to beat them.

Hundreds of people in the northern suburb of Bahri blocked the streets with stone barricades and silently waited for them, said a witness at the AFP news agency. In the distance, we heard gunshots.

Burhan announced on Tuesday that the military council was scrapping a three-year transition plan and would hold elections within nine months – a plan rejected by the opposition.

"We consider this a declaration of coup d'etat and a counter-attack of the popular revolution," Omer Eldigair, leader of the Sudanese Congress Party, told reporters.

"We are refuting everything, from beginning to end.We reject the call for early elections and we consider that the declaration of the military council is consistent with the counter-revolution and related to the interests of the old regime. "

Block Declaration of China and Russia

Moreover, the Security Council met Tuesday at the request of Britain and Germany to hear a briefing from the UN envoy, Nicholas Haysom, who worked with the African Union (AU) on a solution to the Sudan crisis.

But China, backed by Russia, has blocked its attempt to condemn the killing of civilians and has issued an urgent appeal from world powers to stop the violence immediately, diplomats said.

During the closed session, Britain and Germany circulated a press release inviting TMC and protesters to "continue to work together to find a consensual solution to the current crisis", according to a draft examined by journalists.

But China strongly opposed the project as Russia insisted that the council wait for an answer from the AU, diplomats said.

"I am told that China categorically refused the draft statements, saying that it was an internal matter," said James Bays, Al Jazeera's diplomatic editor, UN headquarters in New York. "They were supported by Russia, and Kuwait said the project needed amendments," he added.

Deputy Russian Ambbadador Dmitry Polyanskiy said the proposed statement was "unbalanced" and stressed the need to be "very careful in this situation".

"We do not want to promote an unbalanced statement, it could simply spoil the situation," Polyanskiy told reporters after the two-hour meeting.

After the Security Council failed to agree on a common position, eight European countries declared in a joint statement that they "condemned the violent attacks perpetrated in Sudan by the United States. Sudanese security services against civilians ".

Belgium, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands and Sweden have stated that "the unilateral announcement by TMC to end the negotiations to appoint a government and to call elections in too short a time is a source of serious concern. "

The European declaration added: "We call for an agreed transfer of power to a civilian-led government, as demanded by the people of Sudan.

For his part, Haysom, the UN envoy, told reporters: "I do not want to engage too much in a discussion about who should do what because we still hope to play a role in bringing the parties together .. abandoned the hope that a solution is still possible ".

"We will continue this revolution"

Diplomats called for a meeting of the AU Peace and Security Council Wednesday to provide an answer to the crisis, while others said the UN Security Council could re-examine the issue and try to agree on a common position.

"We urgently need a return to the negotiating table," said German Ambbadador Christoph Heusgen before the meeting. "Legitimacy can not come from the barrel of a gun."

Negotiations between the TMC and the leaders of the protest have recently failed as a result of disagreements over whether a planned transitional body would be headed by a civilian or military personality.

The bloody dispersion of the sit-in poses a new challenge to the popular protest movement, but the organizers have promised to keep the pressure on the streets.

"Next week we will begin our civil disobedience," said Mohamed Nagy Albadam, of the protest group Declaration of Freedoms and Forces for Change.

"The military council cut off the internet, the telecommunication networks to cover their crimes, and we promise to expose the heinous crimes committed by the military in the streets – from murder to rape to humiliation by We will continue this revolution. "

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