Australia on the way to the deadly flu season as experts urge the public to get vaccinated



April 10, 2019 12:45:17

Health experts warn that Australia is on the brink of a deadly flu season, with a three times higher number of people diagnosed with the virus this year compared to the same time last year. the previous year.

In March, more than 10,000 people were diagnosed with the flu. In March 2018, this number was 3,173.

Professor Robert Booy, president of the Immunization Coalition, said the affected people were mostly in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia.

"The data I have received shows that we are seeing three times more cases this year than last year," he said.

At the end of the first week of April, we were almost halfway to our annual total of 2018.

Professor Booy said that so far this year, nearly 27,000 people had been stricken with the flu.

  • New South Wales: 7,595 cases
  • Queensland: 7,289 cases
  • Victoria: 4,627 cases
  • South Australia: 4,397 cases
  • Western Australia: 1,498 cases
  • Tasmania: 322 cases
  • Northern Territory: 296 cases
  • Australian Capital Territory: 203 cases

So, why is there so much flu already?

By 2018, the flu season in Australia was rather quiet, which meant that the immunity of the community was not designed to protect against this year's virus.

"This means that many more people will be prone to the flu this year and will be likely to catch it," said Professor Booy.

There was also a long flu season in the northern hemisphere earlier in the year, until around March.

"Many Australians went to the United States for holidays earlier in the year and brought back the flu.In February, the school returns and the kids mingle and spread the flu," said the Professor Booy.

Is it deadly?

Most deaths from influenza occur in people over the age of 65 and are usually due to complications such as pneumonia, heart attack or stroke.

Professor Booy said that during a busy year, many people would risk getting the flu and dying from it.

"This year, we expect the flu to kill at least 4,000 people, the same number as the combined suicide deaths and road toll," he said.

According to Professor Booy, in most years, 12 Australian children died of the flu.

"If we had a high immunity rate among children, it would also stop the spread of influenza in vulnerable adults," he said.

Dr. Richard Kidd, chairman of the board of general practitioners of the Australian Medical Association, said that one in 10 people who died from influenza in intensive care was otherwise healthy.

"More than half of children hospitalized with the flu were in good health and had no chronic health problems," he said.

When to get vaccinated?

The sooner the better.

The experts said that the beginning of April is a good time to get vaccinated because it takes two weeks for your immunity to develop.

"With the flu [rates] three times higher than last year, we can stop transmission if people get vaccinated, "said Professor Booy.

"Otherwise, the numbers could increase even more."

The flu season in Australia usually extends from June to September and peaks in August.

Professor Brendan Murphy, Chief Medical Officer of the Federal Government, recommends immunization beginning in mid-April to develop immunity before influenza rates rise.

Where can I get the vaccine?

In most states, the vaccine has already been distributed to GPs and many pharmacies.

If you are a healthy adult with children or someone with a chronic illness, Professor Booy said that it was okay to go to a pharmacy to get a flu shot. .

"But if you are an elderly woman or pregnant, it is best to consult a general practitioner who can vaccinate you against the flu and monitor your health in general," he said.

And if you are in good health, is it still worthwhile to get vaccinated?

Experts say, yes. It is not just about you, the immunity of the community helps to protect everyone.

"I encourage healthy people to get vaccinated against the flu because it protects you from further spread and spread to more vulnerable groups like the elderly," said Professor Booy.

George Tambbadis of the Pharmacy Guild, whose members sell the influenza vaccine, said that boosting community immunity was the best way to protect against the flu.

"While some people at high risk of getting the flu, including those aged 65 and over, the flu can actually affect anyone, even the young, fit and healthy," she said. he declared.

"In fact, one in four people who are hospitalized with the flu does not have an underlying health problem."

What vaccine am I likely to receive?

This year, the four-strain or quadrivalent vaccine is available for people under 65 years of age.

People over the age of 65 will receive an improved vaccine, which contains an element that strengthens their immune system.

Aside from the federal immunization program, all states offer free vaccines for babies six months to five years old.

In countries like the United States, the flu vaccine is free for most children.

Will we have vaccine shortages?

There were shortages last year, but that meant that vaccine manufacturers had produced many more doses this year.

Experts said any shortages may not be repeated and if there is a supply problem, it should be resolved within a few days.

Some Australians can get vaccinated for free. Who is eligible?

Many Australians can get free flu shots through the National Immunization Program (NIP).

This year, the government has obtained more than 6 million doses of vaccine to help protect those most at risk of falling ill.

For the first time, all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders aged six months or older will be eligible for a free flu shot.

Previously, only Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people between the ages of six months and five years, or those over the age of 15, were eligible.

Other Australians who are eligible for free flu shots include:

  • Adults aged 65 and over
  • Adults and children (aged six months and older) with certain medical conditions
  • Pregnant women



diseases and disorders,


infant health,

vaccines and immunity,


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