Australian visa scandal: sports minister also guilty; Publish the report if. . . – Ras Mubarak | Policy


Ras Mubarak, deputy of the Kumbungu constituency in the northern region, believes that the former deputy minister of youth and sports, currently deputy minister of information, Pius Enam-Hadzide, is being used to escape the scandal of Australian visas.

According to him, the Minister of Youth and Sports, the Hon. Isaac Asiamah is just as guilty of racketing visas as supervising the ministry.

Speaking in interview on Ok FM & # 39;Ade Akye Abia"Morning Show with animator Kwame Nkrumah Tikese, Ras Mubarak asked if a ghost had signed the letters that facilitated the issuance of visas for Australia, since the government's report has exonerated Pius Hadzide who was targeted in the racket of visas.

"If it's not Hon. Pie, so they should tell us who did it? The embbady will issue a visa on the basis of certain recommendations of the Ministry of Youth and Sports; that's how it happens. It's an attempt to protect the government members who have been affected, and I think the president should mark his authority and say no, whatever happens. . . the law should deal with the person in the Visa racket, " he stated.

He instructed the government of Ghana to release the report because Ghanaians wanted to know exactly what happened in the Visa scandal, which he said had led the country to international ridicule.

"Who signed these letters to facilitate the visa? And the minister himself can not absolve himself because the minister is badisted by the members and, in accordance with our Constitution, the members do not have a schedule; they are supposed to badist the minister and so who gave Pius or the chief director to sign the letters? I am surprised that they are trying to escape the MP's goatee; the minister is also guilty of the racket of visas ", he discussed.

He insisted that the Minister of Youth and Sports, Isaac Asiamah, would have been fired if the visa scandal had occurred in a serious country; pointing out that minority NDCs are not satisfied with the news of the investigation conducted as they do not reveal the person who led the scandal.

"They say that Pius is not guilty, they say where are the evidence? If they say that he is not guilty, publish the report. If they say that the minister or the director general is not guilty, publish the report so that we can all read and know who is responsible for the Visa racket. If there is a penalty, you have to force some people to face the law. We can not do this ourselves, he said.

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