Autism improves features that help at home and at work, experts say


Autism improves characteristics such as loyalty and concentration that help people with the disease at work and in their relationships with others, experts discovered.

A study examining the lives of autistic adults shows that the characteristics badociated with the disease may be helpful, but also constitute a burden.

Those who participated in the research reported being able to do hyperfocus, pay attention to detail, have a good memory and be creative. They also said that autism made them more honest, more loyal and increased their empathy for animals and other autistic people.

Researchers from Exeter University conducted 28 interviews with autistic adults to explore the impact of the disease on their lives.

All those who participated in the Wellcome Trust-funded research survey had been clinically diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. About one-quarter lived independently and received basic support, one-quarter had medium-level support such as a live-in caregiver, and one-quarter received high-level support at health centers. 39, full-time reception.

Overall, most participants talked about autism as a set of qualities they had rather than a "disease". Many said they perceive the world differently and have different mental abilities. Some described their exceptional memory with graphic details, one of them saying that it was like a "small tape recorder in my head". Another participant said that he "would remember the conversations word for word". Some participants said that they had an excessive perception of color and form.

Almost all participants mentioned the ability to focus, and have been described as "zoom-in" and "unshakable". Participants who were employed or at the university described their ability to "focus" or "hyperfocus" on a task to the exclusion of any other task, such as a huge benefit . This skill has been described as tenacity or perseverance, but it could also cause anxiety or exhaustion.

Participants described themselves as compbadionate and empathic towards animals or "towards others". Participants said that they were open and that it was beneficial, but that it became a problem when pushed too far. Other autistic traits were reliability, integrity and hate lies, as well as an "extreme sense of justice".

Dr. Ginny Russell, Research Manager, said, "People have told us that autistic traits may be advantageous or disadvantageous, depending on the context, the circumstances, the perspective and the extent to which they were under their control. control they were either problematic or advantageous may be misguided.

"To talk more about the positive impact of autism can help develop a more comprehensive vocabulary in autism discourse for clinicians, autistic people, and their families."

Participants described themselves as compbadionate and empathic towards animals or "towards others". Participants said that they were open and that it was beneficial, but that it became a problem when pushed too far. Other autistic traits were reliability, integrity and hate lies, as well as an "extreme sense of justice".

Mapping of autistic benefit from adult accounts diagnosed with autism: a qualitative study is published in the journal Autism in adulthood.


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