Avengers Endgame TV spot reveals surprise / movie about the victim


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Even though Marvel Studios will continue to play near the vest with respect to the images revealed by Avengers: End of the game, their marketing is still revealing little things here and there. After the last preview of the movie announcing the sale of the tickets, a new Avengers Endgame The TV spot has debuted and many Thanos escape, not to mention new clichés of the most powerful heroes of the Earth. But the most interesting part comes from what appears to be another victim of The Snappening. Check below.

Avengers Endgame Spot TV

It is not enough that Thanos has already removed half of the living creatures from the universe, but now he is boasting. In this new TV commercial, he says, "The job is done. I won. He continues, "What I'm going to do is going to benefit. "

It sounds like a kind of taunt Thanos could do when the Avengers seek Thanos to avenge everyone he killed. And he may not come out so easily this time they have Captain Marvel at their side. Although it seems that War Machine and Rocket Racoon have some trouble in a quick action shot. But this TV spot reveals something much more important than the misplaced confidence of Thanos.

Avengers Endgame - Dr. Erik Selvig Dusted

Dr. Erik Selvig may not have survived

Last fall, there was a prelude book to Avengers: End of the game called Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War: The Cosmic Quest, and the second volume detailed the consequences of Avengers: war in the infinite. This is the book that called the fallout of the breakup as the decimation. In this book it has been revealed that Thor Erik Selvig and Darcy Lewis, characters from the franchise (played by Stellan Skarsgård and Kat Dennings) survived the breakup. And not only that, they spent their time trying to figure out exactly how it had happened. Here is the synopsis of the book:

"A mortal threat has emerged from the cosmos – and it has come true. Following the horrific success of Thanos, the inhabitants of the Earth are plunged into despair and confusion. Without any logical explanation for the blip-out event, those who remain must retrieve the pieces. Dr. Erik Selvig and his badociate Darcy Lewis are determined to find and understand the cause of the devastation. With a team of friends, old and new, they embark on the quest for knowledge, eager to discover the links between their own past and the stones that have decimated half of humanity, the Infinity Stones. Few know that a new enemy who threatens to destroy them all looms … "

So, according to this book, Dr. Erik Selvig and Darcy Lewis should be alive and well. But as you can see in the photo above of the new TV spot, Selvig's face appears on the hologram seen at Avengers headquarters, indicating that he is one of many missing people. What is the problem here?

Even if Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War: The Cosmic Quest is directly related to the events of the Marvel film universe, which does not make it explicitly canon. Nothing is canon until Marvel Studios says it. Marvel has also already published a book titled Thanos: the consumed Titan This revealed the villain's backstory, but it was made clear that it should not be canon, as this does not correspond to what is established in the movies as canon.

Again, there is always a chance that Selvig did not really die from the fall. He could always have been in hiding and maybe he's still alive and working with Darcy to find a way to undo what happened. This is not impossible, especially since Scott Lang's face is also on the same hologram, but he was really trapped in the quantum realm after the shooting.

At the end of the day, it is probably more logical to dust someone like Dr. Erik Selvig. It's a brilliant scientist who would make things a little easier for the Avengers. Granted, they still have like Bruce Banner and Tony Stark, but Selvig has been a big help throughout the month. Thor franchise. And in End of Gameour heroes are facing a shortage of important help – that's a bit of a problem.

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