AVENGERS: ENDGAME – We think we know who kills THANOS


More from & # 39; Avengers: Endgame & # 39;
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Marvel Studios having probably / may have shown what he will show Avengers: End of the game With the release of a short clip showing the Avengers and Captain Marvel planning to fight at Thanos, it might be time to make one last round of speculation before we promise everyone not to spoil it. One for the other.

We promise not to spoil it for each other, is not it?

One of the questions that comes up about Twitterverse is who will bring the coup de grace to Thanos, with a lot of speculation about Carol Danvers. A half of Twitter seems dazed at the prospect of this new powerful female hero taking Thanos down.

The other half of Twitter seems concerned that it debuts last month. She did not earn her place in the MCU to play such a crucial role in the final act of the 22 previous films.

Yes, Twitter is divided, hard to believe, huh?

But we have our own ideas on who will land the coup de grace, thus totally recognizing the fact that Joe and Anthony Russo have probably always been angry with us and that none of us have the slightest idea of ​​who will eliminate Thanos, or if Thanos will even be eliminated, here is our attempt to reduce the chances.

Will it be Thor, with Stormbreaker, in the library?

Continue reading.

Credit: Marvel Studios

Drax: 1000-1

Yes, it's his life's mission to kill Thanos now that Ronan is no longer in the picture, but no (and baduming he comes back to life someday End of Game), he will have to find a new goal when someone else makes the act.

Maybe continue this bizarre flirtation with Mantis that they had.

Credit: Marvel Studios

Captain Marvel: 100-1

Well, we do not know if we did not deserve it, but we think it may be a little too early for Captain Marvel.

It might look like a kind of two ex machina if Carol omits to have never been present in any story of Infinity Stones leading to End of Game to save the day.

Marvel Studios has put together a fairly simple narrative and there are a number of established themes and narrative arcs that make much more sense than letting the all new Avenger do it.

It may be the future of the MCU, for which we are all for, but we do not think it is present for the moment.

Credit: Marvel Studios

Credit: Marvel Studios

Thor or the Pontoon: 50-1

Among the original Big Six, the Avengers are the Big Four – the solo stars and arguably the biggest Marvel names that preceded the original gathering of the most powerful heroes on Earth.

No matter which one of them would be a worthy candidate, but Odinson already had his shot and was not going to get his head wet. We do not think he'll have another chance.

And Hulk could have another hand-to-hand fight with Thanos after his green donkey gets fired War of Infinitybut nothing so far has earned him the honors.

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Captain America: 25-1

You can never rely on the Sentinel of Liberty, and the slight hint of surprise and respect from Thanos when Steve pushes Thanos's fist back into Wakanda sets up an interesting dynamic.

It would be a bit of a poetic justice to titrate a cosmic Titan by a guy who flirts with superhuman abilities and who is considered the best leader and hero in the room where he is, but Cape does not seem to give the coup de grace in solo his thing.

Credit: Marvel Studios

Gamora: 20-1

Here's where things start to get interesting. There is also some narrative poetry at Gamora, somehow coming back from death and getting a bittersweet vengeance against her adoptive father.

Thanos, in fact, would probably want it to be her, given her ethical sense of ethics, potentially transforming what could be a typical superhero moment into a more stratified moment. And Gamora recently killed Thanos in comics.

But we still think End of Game will be decided by one of the major players.

Credit: Marvel Studios

Iron Man: 15-1

Yes despite the prequels First Avenger and Captain MarvelWe all know that Tony Stark is both the true first and greatest hero in the entire Marvel film universe. It would be quite fitting for Robert Downey Jr. to finish the first MCU super-phase as he started, in what could be his last performance as an Iron Man.

The first End of Game The trailer is mainly based on his shoulders, and his quote "Part of the journey is the end" could foreshadow this last crucial moment.

Credit: Marvel Studios

Nebula: 10-1

We seriously hesitated between making her the first choice. No, she was never a lead actor in an MCU movie, but her survival when all other Guardians, except Rocket, were "trapped" seems to indicate the character's love for Marvel Studios and recognition of his place in the grand scheme.

There would be an element of total Shakespearean tragedy in Thanos being shot down by Nebula. Like many clbadic villains, he would essentially be the architect of his own downfall, creating it but never loving it the way he did for Gamora – only torturing, mistreating and ignoring it.

It is seen that Nebula is ready to fight in the second trailer, and giving the shot would be a clbadic literary paroxysm, giving Josh Brolin a hell of a death scene to play when he realizes who l? did and why, and how he is responsible for his own disappearance.

Thanos would probably appreciate the irony.

All avengers: 3-1

The films of Marvel Studios have a theme. Joss Whedon, screenwriter / director, makes the first look around the team when they are all together for the first time in the third act of Avengers.

Always from & # 39; Avengers & # 39;

Always from & # 39; Avengers & # 39;

Credit: Marvel Studios

He made a similar frame at the beginning Age of Ultron and staged an epic group shot in the end in the church of Sokovian.

In words (also from Age of UltronThe theme is that they do things "together".

Live or die, fail or succeed – "together".

That's what the Avengers movies and Civil war have all set up.

Avengers formed the team. Age of Ultron showed cracks. Civil war separate them. War of Infinity and End of Game are on their meeting and perform the impossible "together".

We do not know if or when we will ever see most of the six originals. It looks like we're going to see Scarlett Johansson again in Black Widow (And finally, Jeremy Renner makes a lot of sense for this movie) but it's probably a precedent.

This may or may not imply that the original six, but we suspect that anything that ends up stopping or killing Thanos, it will be mainly as a unit with the six originals.

This is where this story has been directed from the beginning, if we have watched and listened.

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