Baby born to the size of the hand of mom at 23 weeks is the "most premature baby" of the United Kingdom


A girl born after spending just over 23 weeks in the womb has been confirmed as the most premature baby in the UK.

Little Edie Madoc-Jones weighed only 1 lb 4 oz at birth.

She was the size of her mother's hand and her skin was translucent.

During the first two weeks of her life, she had a bleeding brain, lung disease, collapsed lungs, pneumonia, sepsis, a low number of platelets and hemoglobin and a hole in her heart.

The doctors told his parents, Nicola and David, aged 38 and 37, respectively, that they might eventually need to turn off his life support.

But Edie has fought back and is now two years old.

Edie was born weighing a little more than 1 lb
Edie was born weighing a little more than 1 lb

She is even smaller than most children her age and wears clothes for children as young as 12 months old.

Last week, it appeared that the baby – born at 23 weeks and 4 days – spent only one day in the womb more than the most premature baby in the world.

This honor was awarded to a girl named Saybie from San Diego, California, reported The Sun.

Nicola, a civil servant, said, "I know the strength to be the mother of this baby and fight tooth and nail so that she can survive.

"The doctors said my baby was not" viable, "but Edie is proof that the smallest babies can lead a happy and healthy life.

"When Edie was born, it was the scariest time of my life and I know exactly what Saybie's parents must feel."

Edie has spent a day in the uterus longer than the world's most premature baby

Nicola, of Cardiff, had a normal pregnancy without complications until a small bleeding at 23 weeks.

The hospital told her to come in but she said that she was very relaxed.

"I remember the midwife saying," Everything is normal, but you are dilating. "It was the beginning of hell," she said.

The doctors tried to put Edie on more than 24 weeks later, which was considered the minimum for life, but Nicola had to be rushed to a delivery room and gave birth soon after.

His parents, Nicola and David, have even been informed that they might have to disable Edie's life support.

Baby Edie was born at 8:08 am, weighing 580 grams (23 lbs), just 23 weeks and four days after Nicola's pregnancy began.

Nicola added, "We only saw Edie for a few seconds before she was taken away.

"We were terrified to watch but we could not. She was small, her eyes were still welded, her skin was translucent and she was terribly bruised as a result of childbirth.

"They told us that she was extremely weak and that her chances were not good.

"But just as she was going, her leg was moving. Among all the shock of the last days, the horror of delivery, then the tragedy we were now expecting that gave me the slightest hope. "

The doctors had little guidance to follow because of the extreme and rare nature of Edie's case.

Edie Madoc-Jones and mother Nicola
Doctors told Nicola that her baby "was not viable"

She was just putting Edie in an incubator and a protective plastic bag.

She began to improve and underwent emergency eye surgery. After 109 days, Edie was brought home.

Her parents hope to make her appear in Guinness World Records.

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Main reports of Mirror Online

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