Backlash after Macron said badly, an elderly protester "regain wisdom"


French President Emmanuel Macron was accused of lacking empathy after telling a former demonstrator of the yellow vest (yellow vest) badly injured during a demonstration that she was responsible for the fact that She was there at the beginning.

Geneviève Legay, a 73-year-old grandmother and anti-capitalism activist, was fractured to the skull during a police complaint in Nice last weekend.

Macron, who was in the region on Sunday for a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, told the local newspaper Nice-Matin: "When we are fragile and we are in danger of being shaken up, we do not go into places declared prohibited and one does not put himself in such a situation. "

He added that he wished Legay "a speedy recovery and perhaps a little wisdom".

Legay's family, who filed a legal complaint, said Macron's response was "rude and insensitive". They also accused the riot police of using excessive force to disperse the protesters.

Prosecutors in Nice opened an investigation to try to determine what happened when Legay was injured.

Fifth largest city in France, Nice is one of twelve cities to have banned yellow protesters from demonstrating in central areas as a result of violent riots in Paris.

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