Bagbin's release, homage, the void and his political life


Bagbin's release, homage, the void and his political life

Many have landed on this huge branch of the political tree for so long. Some remain until eternity: others prefer to be humiliated or slaughtered like a bird.

I saw them coming and going.

I saw them tampering with the corridors of power. My naked eyes saw them.

Those who behave like the symphony orchestra group. I've seen good weather friends, puppeteers, ashtrays, yes-men and Ahithophels. Those who will say that you are dominant while you fail.

But Bagbin is different.

Is it from Mars? No, he has an opinion and principles. This is a maverick, a maverick. And his ilk (Bagbin) are few in our contemporary body – Politik. The "Kanawus" seem to have disappeared, as has the pink-eyed forest dweller, the Gerygone insularis in Ghanaian politics.

Does anyone remember it?

"You are naked if Stan Dobge is your advisor," the hon. Babgin told former President John Mahama.

Maybe if the NDC hawks had listened to it, things would have been different in the 2016 general election. The hawks gave up his opinion. They did not take it seriously.

The exit

Are you wondering why it's hard for some to call him when he should do it?

Part of the reason could be attributed to the pitfalls that come with the position. In addition, I believe that public office holders have a considerable influence on society, particularly parliamentarians. Partly, the reason, some never see the need to retreat even when they seem exhausted and devoid of ideas.

After 27 years, the Honorable Alban Sumani Kingsford Bagbin – one of Ghana's oldest legislators at the Fourth Republic in Parliament – decided to suspend his huge political boots.

His current term expires in January 2021.

According to local media reports, the 62-year-old legislator did not choose an application form to challenge the Nadowli-Kaleo Parliament House at the closing of the nominations on Friday 12 July 2019. And in case you did not know that Mr. Bagbin had kept this seat since 1992.

It is believed that Bagbin's decision could have been triggered by pressure from a group of young people in his constituency. However, Mr. Bagbin still gave no reason.

L & # 39; s tribute

You have honorably paid your membership fee. And I have no doubt in my mind that you have led the good fight for the common good of humanity.

You are a pioneer in the capacity that you serve in many ways and you deserve this glorious tribute for the service to God, people and country.

Oh, I could not be more proud to do so for one of Ghana's most talented and hard-working politicians. Once again, I say, I could not be more impressed by your decision not to be re-elected after more than 27 years.

Bagbin's critics say the decision is long overdue and its pressure has been made necessary by the pressure of the youth. I beg you to differ.

I think his criticism is focused on the numbers rather than the huge impact he has had so far in the House of Parliaments and in the country.

So, it is wrong in my opinion because Bagbin did not stay long as to do nothing or waste state resources. He touched many lives and had a tremendous impact on society.

I met for the first time Hon. Bagbin, in 1996 during my stint at "The Ghanaian Voice". The occasion was a media workshop sponsored by the British High Commission in Ghana. Part of the program required participants to meet Mr. Bagbin at his office in Parliament.

And did you know that?

He once ruffled the feathers of Konadu-Agyeman Rawlings. According to him, the former first lady had entered a cabinet meeting! Nobody invited her. And no one dared nor could ask the elephant in the room to leave. But guess what, Bagbin did.

He told the press at his office. And that's the impression he had at the time that marked me so far.

I say that the "Kanawus" are few.

Today, many tend to support the idea of ​​"Vote for Mr. Nice Man." And this idea, I think, has cost the nation so much, we seem to be late on a lot of things because that true leaders are not elected – individuals who have the temperament to lead the nation, are not given the chance.

I hope this tribute will inspire other public office holders. That someone monitors their good deeds. And I think it's time for us to recognize the selfless service rendered by some of these people. Let's reward them now, because posthumous tributes are often flawed.

This tribute is a summary of political ethics and its significance to me can not be understated. "Do not yor Oseadeyor." !!!!

The void

Indeed, the exit of Bagbin will leave a huge void in the house of the legislature. His experience is gigantic. And his talent for excellence is remarkable.

"I have always relied on him and whenever we have to deal with matters relating to the rules and procedures of the House, he is a person on whom I rely on me to help me develop the skills of members of Parliament, "said Osei Kyei Mensah. -Bomsu speaks of Mr. Bagbin.

The majority leader and Minister of Parliamentary Affairs said that the long-standing legislator would leave a huge void.

"… The House will not fail me, but the whole House will fail him and filling the void will be very difficult for us as parliament and as a country," he said.


Political life

Bagbin is a member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and represents the constituency of Nadowli West of the Upper West region. Bagbin announced his intention to run for president in 2008 with the NDC ticket, but he has never taken part in the primaries.

He became the majority leader in the Ghanaian Parliament in 2009. After a cabinet reshuffle in January 2010, he was appointed Minister of Water Resources, Public Works and Housing by President Mills. He was also confirmed as majority leader of the Parliament under President Mahama's mandate. He succeeded Benjamin Kunbuor, who was appointed Minister of Defense.

Following the "controversy" raised by the House, the Parliament's second vice-president warned the public and his colleagues to be wary of negative criticism and attacks on MPs against the opposition. proposed new parliamentary chamber to make a decision on the motion. He noted that negative criticism of the project and the attacks on MPs had disastrous consequences for the country and urged citizens to abandon such unpleasant comments.

Mr. Mensah-Bonsu described Alban Bagbin's decision not to seek re-election as a colossal loss for the House and the country.

"I regret the situation in which he finds himself, aside from the fact that he is one of the most experienced people in building the capacity and skills of the new members of parliament. It's a person I've counted on in this dispensation and in the 7th legislature, "said the majority leader to Star News parliamentary correspondent.

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