Baghdad Bounedjah: Xavi's teammate in Al Sadd scores 39 goals in 21 games to win Qatar title – News


published: April 5, 2019
Time: 11:00

Algerian striker Baghdad Bounedjah scored his sixth hat-trick of the season to win the Qatar Sport League title in a truly remarkable campaign for Al Sadd.

Bounedjah, 27, scored his sixth hat trick in his 21st league match in a 7-2 win against Al Ahli on Thursday, which earned him a total of 39 goals for the season.

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The three points gave Al Sadd a seven-point lead over Al Duhail, Moroccan club captain Medhi Benatia, second.

Youssef Al Arabi, star of the Atlas Lions and Benatia's teammate in the club, is the second player in the Golden Boot race with 25 goals.

In a breathtaking personal campaign, Bounedjah also scored a double hat trick, while his total total was 101 contributions (82 goals, 19 badists) in 61 games since his arrival from Tunisian giant Etoile du Sahel.

This is the first title of champion of Al Sadd since the 2012/13 season and the 14th overall title.

Algeria ???????? Forward Baghdad Bounedjah clinched sixth hat trick @ QSL season to help @AlsaddSC raise their 14th record title.

The African star scored 39 goals in 21 league games including a double hat trick. ????

– Lorenz Köhler (@ Lorenz07Kohler) April 5, 2019

Article by: Lorenz Kohler

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