BAME doctors are more likely than white patients to be the subject of an investigation


Nine years ago, a patient died under the care of surgeon David Sellu. He was imprisoned but his conviction was quashed after an appeal.

Mr. Sellu thinks his race has had an impact on the way his case has been treated and he is concerned about the way the General Medical Council (GMC) treats black and ethnic minority physicians.

Figures obtained through a request for access to information from the BBC suggest that the GMC is more likely to investigate complaints against BAME doctors than those who are Caucasian.

Black and Asian doctors make up about a third of the workforce in the UK, but they are overrepresented in fitness for the practice.

The GMC stated, "We are not complacent about the fact that our own processes are free of discrimination.That's why we do them regularly and independently review to make sure they comply with our published guidelines. and without bias. "

Reporter: Amara Elahi

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