Ban Fortnite? Prince Harry says the game "should not be allowed"


Prince Harry, Duke of Susbad and sixth on the British royal crown, strongly criticized the popular Fortnite battle game and called for its ban. The BBC reports that Harry's comments came to a YMCA event in London just before the BAFTA awards.

"[Fortnite] should not be allowed, "he said. Where is the benefit of having it in your household? It was created for drug addicts, which keeps you in front of a computer as long as possible. It's so irresponsible. It's like waiting for the damage to be done and the kids come to your door and the families break up. "

He also suggested that social media is "more addictive than alcohol and drugs".

These comments come as the title developed by Epic Games continues to gain popularity; it is undoubtedly the biggest game in the world, become a cultural sensation. Epic recently announced that Fortnite had crossed 250 million registered players, with a new record of simultaneous players of 10.8 million players. It remains solid despite increased competition from Black Ops 4 Blackout Battle Royal Mode and Apex Legends.

Prince Harry's comments come just after the World Health Organization (WHO) has identified "gambling disorder" in its latest list of clbadified diseases. The Disorder Criteria list several qualities common to addictive traits, including limited control of gambling, increased priority of gambling on the interests of daily activities, and the continuation or intensification of gambling despite its negative consequences.

These comments do not seem to indicate what is problematic for Fortnite in particular, but the popularity of the game probably played a role. He has had other recent conflicts with celebrities through several lawsuits for his use of dances, which have been discontinued for the time being. To learn more about Fortnite, check out our Season 8 Challenge Guide.

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