Bashir loyalists to gather in Khartoum on Thursday: party


The loyalists of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir have been holding a series of support rallies since demonstrations erupted against his reign in December, which he sometimes addressed to himself. By ASHRAF SHAZLY (AFP / File)

The loyalists of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir have been holding a series of support rallies since demonstrations erupted against his reign in December, which he sometimes addressed to himself. By ASHRAF SHAZLY (AFP / File)

Loyalist Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir on Thursday called for a support rally in Khartoum as protestors demanded his resignation in front of army headquarters for a fifth consecutive day.

"The National Congress Party Executive Bureau supports the initiative of national dialogue partners to organize a rally gathering everyone on Thursday," said Bashir's ruling party leader Ahmed Harun, in a statement released Tuesday.

"I call all members of the NCP of the State of Khartoum to participate in this gathering."

Harun said the rally was meant to "show that there are social and political powers committed to peace, security and stability in Sudan".

In March, Bashir transferred his power as party leader to Harun as part of the top-level changes he made to protests against his reign in December.

The National Congress Party was formed a few years after Bashir took power during a coup d 'état backed by Islamists in 1989.

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