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News Budget for Sunday, July 8, 2018 documents

Updated at 3:00 pm EDT (1900 UTC)


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^ At the US-Mexico border, a notebook contains the key to the entry of asylum seekers in America <

IMMIGRATION NEEDLE BOOK: THE – The notebook contains nearly 2,000 names of foreigners waiting to apply for asylum in the United States. Its origins are unclear, but they were created after US border authorities began to limit the number of asylum seekers allowed to enter the port of entry of San Ysidro.

All conversations were interrupted. children – asylum seekers from Central America, Mexico, Africa and elsewhere – parted to make room for his guardian.

The Mexican named Gaby waded in the crowd.

Mothers picked up their toddlers. Older children have dropped their toys.

The notebook contains the names of hundreds of asylum seekers – from Guadalajara, Ghana – who are all trying to put their point of view to the port of entry of San Ysidro

2050 of Cindy Carcamo in Tijuana, Mexico. The SNAP work requirements could increase deep poverty for some.

SNAP-WORKREQUIREMENTS: WA – Designed to increase the incomes and job prospects of low-income Americans, the proposed work requirements for recipients of food stamps could have another unexpected effect According to researchers, Poverty rates are high among people who lose their benefits and can not find work.

This is what happened to nearly one million single mothers in the years that followed. on the cash benefits provided by temporary help to needy families, at a time when the American economy was flourishing in the same way.

While many welfare recipients found work and emerged from poverty after the adoption of work demands, others lost their TANF benefits. when they could not meet the required work activities of the new law.

1150 (with trimmings) by Tony Pugh in Washington. PROPOSED

^ Once jealously controlled by a religious sect, a small town tries to undress her image – with beer

POLYGAMOUSSECT-TOWN: LA – The religious leader predicts much of the apocalypse in his time in as leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There must have been one in 2005. Then it was delayed until 2012. Scratch that – 2016.

Each time, the destruction had to be the same. Fire earthquakes. Fast and dramatic – in the last few years, Warren Jeffs was expelled from prison and taken back to Colorado City, where his polygamous herd was waiting.

But Jeffs, sentenced in 2011 for badually badaulting two young brides, is still behind bars and serves a life sentence. And another kind of apocalypse slowly descends over the city, fueled by hops, barley and cereals.

The Edge of the World Brewery and Pub opened in March on Center Street – an unthinkable development a year ago. In November, there will be four open seats on the seven members of the Colorado City Town Council. Of the 11 candidates in the running, none are FLDS, ensuring that the sect will no longer hold the majority

1350 by David Montero in Colorado City, Arizona.

^ A baby was treated with a nap and a bottle of formula. HOSPITALS-TRAUMAFEE: KHN – The first morning of Jang Yeo Im's holiday in San Francisco in 2016, his 8-month-old son, Park Jeong Whan, fell from bed in the family's hotel room and hit his head .

There was no blood, but the baby was inconsolable. Jang and her husband feared to have an injury that they could not see, so they called 911, and an ambulance took the family – tourists from South Korea – to the hospital. General of Zuckerberg San Francisco

. this baby Jeong Whan was fine – just a little bruised on the nose and forehead. He took a short nap in his mother's arms, drank some baby formula and was released a few hours later.

Two years later, the bill arrived home: they owed $ 18,836 to the hospital for a 22-hour visit. The cost of trauma is the price that a trauma center charges when it activates and badembles a trauma care team. health professionals who may meet a patient with potentially serious injuries in the emergency.

2250 by Jenny Gold and Sarah Kliff. PROPOSED

^ The Pentagon's big budget brings jobs to the Ohio tank factory – and a political reward for Trump.

OHIO-TANKFACTORY: LA – They come in "rusties" – corroded steel hulls are abandoned

But after a review by welders and machinists newly hired in a Pentagon-owned factory here in the northwest of Ohio, they are coming off the badembly line like new 80 ton Abrams M1A2 tanks for the US Army. The tank factory, a sprawling complex that began building tanks early in the Second World War and almost closed five years ago, is booming thanks to more than $ 2 billion authorized for armored vehicles.

The factory produces 11 improved Abrams tanks per month, compared with only one a month a year ago – perhaps the most striking example of the sharp rise in military spending under President Donald Trump is cascading.

Tank Plant The renewal of the election underscores the importance of Pentagon spending for Trump's re-election prospects – and the limitations of this strategy.

1350 by David S. Cloud in Lima, Ohio. PROPOSED


^ Palliative sedation, an end-of-life practice that is legal everywhere <

MED-PALLIATIVE-SEDATION: SH – Towards the end, the pain had practically Elizabeth Martin angry

By this time, cancer had spread everywhere from her colon to her spine, her liver, her adrenal glands, and one of her lungs. Finally, he entered his brain. No medicine has made the pain bearable. A woman who had been generous and cheerful turned herself into someone hardly recognizable to her loving family: paranoid, snarling, violent.

Sometimes she fled into the California night in her bedding, "as if trying to distance herself"

Martin dreamed that his sister would drive her to the mountains and leave her with the drops of liquid morphine that she had surreptitiously collected for three months – drugs that did not relieve her pain but could be enough to kill her if she took it all at once Freeman could not bring herself to do so.

But Martin had an alternative to the death agonizing that she feared: palliative sedation

Under palliative sedation, a doctor gives a terminally ill patient enough sedatives to cause unconsciousness.The goal is to reduce or eliminate the suffering, but in many cases, the patient dies without having regained consciousness

1500 (with moldings) of Michael Ollove in Washington PROPOSED

These stories moved more t in the week and are suitable for publication on a weekend.

^ A 3-year-old child was separated from his father at the border. Now, his parents are facing his trauma <

IMMIGRATION-CHILD-TRAUMA: THE – In the living room of Van Nuys's one-bedroom apartment, the boy tried to explain, according to the words from a three year old, What happened to his father

"Papa cae in piso", he says, turning away briefly from a game on his mother's phone.

Andriy Ovalle Calderon recounts the moment his father was detained by customs officers He spent more than a month with a family in California before being released in April to his mother , who had gone to an entry port with his younger son. . Claudia Calderon was allowed to stay with her mother-in-law while she waited for an immigration judge to hear her asylum application.

Her husband, Kristian Francisco Ovalle Hernandez, was deported to Guatemala.

At Night, Andriy While federal agencies are working to reunite more than 2,000 families who remain separated, affected by the "zero tolerance" immigration policy of the Trump administration, many of them are still working. children struggle to cope with the consequences of separations

. 1600 by Brittny Mejia in Los Angeles. PROPOSED

^ 'You took 32 years of my life': Freed man accuses LAPD detective of manipulating eyewitnesses <

LA-FORT CONVICTION: THE – The teenager watched 16 photos of the cup, looking for the face of the man had stabbed his boyfriend to death while they were sleeping in his van in South LA

It was in November 1984 – a months after the badbadination – and Saladena Bishop had already pointed police at two suspects who were quickly excluded. Now, Los Angeles police detective, Richard Marks, had a new set of photos, and he drew his attention to number 7.

"What about him?" The detective asked, referring to an image of Andrew Wilson.

The bishop said that it was the man – she was almost sure, according to Marks.

Wilson, who has always maintained his innocence, was sentenced to life in prison in a case that was almost entirely based on the identification of the witness. More than three decades have pbaded before a judge in 2017 rejected his conviction and released him.

Wilson, 63, sued for civil rights, accusing Marks of identifying him as a murderer. continued controversy over how many police agencies handle eyewitness identifications.

1600 by Marisa Gerber in Los Angeles. PROPOSED

^ NumbersUSA: For long-standing support of radical immigration measures, the time is now <19659002] IMMIGRATION-NUMBERSUSA: WA – These are heady days for Roy Beck and NumbersUSA.

Last year, the uncompromising immigration policies that they have long defended have made the headlines and supported them. Numbers USA, which pushes for the reduction of legal and illegal immigration, the reduction of family visas and other restrictive measures, has made its message known to one of the brightest points on the world stage.

A president who talks about immigration as much as this one, he is moving your problem much further to the front of the line, "said Beck, who founded the group in 1997.

1200 by Mike Woodel in Washington, DC PROPOSED

^ The private school curriculum in Florida minimizes slavery, states that humans and dinosaurs lived together

FLA-PRIVATESCHOOLS-BOOKS: OS – Some private schools in Florida who rely on public funding teach dinosaurs and humans to live together that God's intervention prevented Catholics from dominating North America and that slaves who "knew Christ" were better off that free men who did not

The lessons taught in these schools come from three Christian publishing houses whose textbooks are popular 2. 2,000 campuses that accept and often depend on close to e $ 1 billion in state scholarships or coupons.

2100 by Leslie Postal, Beth Kbadab and Annie Martin in Orlando, Florida MOVED

^ Immigrant women in detention describe their treatment and share fears about their children <

IMMIGRATION-MOTHERS: LA – The words appear on a piece of paper, scribbled in pencil by an immigrant mother detained in a detention center: "We beg you to help us, send our children away. Our children are very desperate. My son is asking me to take him out and I am helpless here. "

In another letter, childish print on paper, a mother spoke about her son:" It's been a month since they ripped it off and there are times when I can not continue . If they want to deport me, that they do it, but with my child. Without him, I will not leave here. "

At least 2,053 children were separated from their parents because of Trump 's" zero tolerance "immigration policy, which brought together 538 of these children. In more than a dozen letters collected by volunteers, separated mothers of their children shared their desperation, asked to be released and sent messages of love to their children

1500 by Mollyhennessy- Fiske in Mcallen, Texas, MOVED

^ In a Chinese school, Big Brother draws all the smiles or frowns

CHINA-FACIAL-RECOGNITION: LA – At first it seemed cool.

Installed in a century-old high school in east China, students walked in and out of campus, had lunch, borrowed books, and even bought drinks at a vending machine while watching the cameras

. forget But in March, cameras appeared in some clbadrooms – and they did more than just identify students and take their presence.

Using the latest artificial intelligence software, devices tracked students' behavior and read their facial expressions, grouping each face in one of seven emotions: anger, fear, disgust, surprise, happiness, sadness and what has been labeled as neutral.

1400 by Don Lee in Hangzhou, China. PROPOSED

^ Trump compounded up to 10, but his predecessors often treated migrants with disdain <

IMMIGRATION-PRESIDENTS: MI – In the national frenzy on President Donald Trump's immigration policies, especially those who have resulted in thousands of children Separated from their undocumented immigrant parents, detractors and supporters tend to think that the president is one of a kind, the first president to play hard with illegal smugglers of frontiers

. and political badysts say this is not true. "This is reflected at least as far as Jimmy Carter and probably far beyond," said Tammy Fox-Isicoff, a Miami lawyer who has worked in immigration law for more than three decades

2200 (with trimmings) by Brenda Medina and Glenn Garvin in Miami. PROPOSED

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