"Be vigilant": an Ohioian bitten by a brown and poisonous spider


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NORTH JACKSON, Ohio (WKBN) – Humans are not the only species to come out when temperatures rise. Especially when it's so wet, there can be dangerous insects lingering where you least expect.

Brown and venomous recluse spiders are most often found in hot, dry, abandoned places such as stacks of wood or rocks.

Although they are not extremely common, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources said that these spiders lived in Ohio.

This insect, identified by its long, slender legs and reddish-brown body,
can cause serious damage. A spider bite from a recluse can cause ulcers even if everyone reacts differently.

"An area of ​​ulceration in the center of the bite can occur after a sting. This can cause tissue damage and then leave you exposed to infection, "said Dr. Amanda Mason, an emergency physician at St. Elizabeth Hospital.

She said that if you ever have a bite that causes irritation or dark circles around the site, always consult a doctor.

That's exactly what a North Jackson man had to do after biting his leg.
took a color that he did not expect in an hour or so.

"Be careful, they could be anywhere, protect your home and your kids," said Jim Wilson.

He thought he had been stung by a bee, but the bite on the upper left thigh seemed much more serious.

"My leg was on fire. It was like you had to stick your arm or leg to a fireplace and burn it, "Wilson said.

He was cutting trees on his property.

"He must have crawled on the leg of my pants inside and bit me."

Wilson quickly knew something was wrong after he felt the bite and crushed the spider in the leg of his pants.

"In an hour, a circle the size of a silver dollar has become black coal. He had killed the meat and skin of my leg.

He immediately went to the emergency room at St. E hospital where he
they identified her injury as a bite of a brown and solitary spider.

The faster the treatment, the better.

"Protect your children because this bite to a child could be fatal because their immune system is not as powerful as ours," Wilson said.

He sprays his house inside and out with an insect repellent every year, but continues to control everything.

Wilson said that he's now cutting the wood with more clothes covering his skin, but
the bite will not prevent him from living his life.

"Insects are everywhere and you can not be afraid of not going out or doing something for that reason. But be more vigilant and watch … what happens.

The doctors prescribed Wilson antibiotics to cure his bite.

Monday morning, he will visit the Department of Infectious Diseases of Cleveland to be checked by them too.

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