BEFORE CHRIST. among six provinces affected by persistent salmonella outbreak – Barriere Star Journal


The Public Health Agency of Canada is working with provincial partners in public health, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Health Canada to investigate an outbreak of Salmonella infections in Canada. British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec.

The source of the outbreak has not been identified, according to a press release released Friday night. The epidemic seems to continue, with diseases continuing to be reported.

The Public Health Agency of Canada publishes this public health advisory to inform Canadians of the results of the investigation and to share important safe food handling practices in order to help prevent other Salmonella infections.

Between November 2018 and March of this year, 63 confirmed cases of Salmonella Enteritidis infection in British Columbia were confirmed. (23), Alberta (10), Saskatchewan (8), Manitoba (10), Ontario (10) and Quebec (2). Of these, 18 were hospitalized and two died, although the cause of salmonella was not confirmed. People who became ill are between 1 and 87 years old and 57% were women.

The symptoms of salmonellosis usually begin between six and 72 hours after exposure of an infected animal or a contaminated product. Symptoms include fever, chills, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, headache, nausea, and vomiting. These symptoms usually last four to seven days. In healthy people, salmonellosis often goes away without treatment. In some cases, serious illness and hospitalization may occur. In some cases, antibiotics may be needed. People infected with Salmonella can be infectious for days to weeks.

Anyone can get a Salmonella infection, but infants, children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems are at higher risk for serious illness because of the fragility of their immune system.

Most people who develop a Salmonella infection will fully recover after a few days. Some people may be infected with the bacteria and may not become ill or have any symptoms, but may transmit the infection to others.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is conducting a food safety investigation. If contaminated food products are identified, they will take the necessary measures to protect the public, including by recalling food products. Currently, there is no food recall warning badociated with this outbreak.

Protect your health

It is difficult to know if a product is contaminated with Salmonella because you can not see, smell or taste it. The best way to prevent Salmonella disease is to use safe food handling practices every day. The following food preparation tips can help you reduce your risk of getting sick, but may not completely eliminate the risk of illness.

Wash your hands with soap and lukewarm water for at least 20 seconds before and after handling and preparing food.

Do not consume raw or undercooked foods such as meats, poultry, fish, shellfish and egg products.

Cook all raw foods such as meats, poultry, fish and eggs (including raw frozen foods) at a safe internal temperature to ensure their safety. Use a digital food thermometer to check the temperature. Insert the thermometer rod into the thickest part of the food, away from bones, fat, or cartilage. Make sure that it is inserted completely until the middle.

Microwave cooking of raw foods such as meat, poultry, fish and eggs (including raw frozen food products) is not recommended because of the risk of uneven warming .

When handling raw meat or poultry products, use a separate plate, cutting board and utensils to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria such as Salmonella.

Prevent cross-contamination: Do not reuse plates, cutting boards or utensils that have been in contact with raw meat and poultry products to serve the cooked product, unless they have been washed thoroughly.

Use paper towels to wipe kitchen surfaces or change dish towels daily to avoid the risk of cross-contamination and spread of bacteria, and avoid using sponges as they are more difficult to clean. keep without bacteria.

Disinfect counters, cutting boards and utensils before and after food preparation. Use a kitchen disinfectant (following the directions on the container) or bleach solution (5 mL of household bleach for 750 mL of water) and rinse at the same time. ;water.

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