Benefits of Exercise: Regular Training Can Prevent Cartilage Damage Caused by Arthritis


WASHINGTON DC. [USA]: A new study has shown that cartilage degradation due to osteoarthritis could be prevented with the help of exercise.

The study, published in the journal Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, demonstrates the benefits of exercise on the tissues that form our joints.

The researchers showed for the first time how the mechanical forces exerted on the joints by cells during exercise prevent cartilage degradation by suppressing the action of inflammatory molecules responsible for OA.

During exercise, the cartilage joints such as the hip and knee are crushed. This mechanical deformation is detected by living cartilage cells, which then block the action of inflammatory molecules badociated with conditions such as arthritis.

The researchers have shown that the anti-inflammatory effect of physical activity is caused by the activation of a particular protein, called HDAC6, that causes changes in the proteins that form the primary eyelashes.

Benefits of Exercise: Regular Training Can Prevent Cartilage Damage Caused by Arthritis

Pharmaceutical drugs that blocked the activation of HDAC6 prevented the anti-inflammatory effects of physical activity, while other drug treatments could mimic the benefits of exercise.

The primary eyelash length changes, which are only a few thousand millimeters, provided a biomarker of the level of inflammation. The eyelashes were lengthened during inflammation, but treatments that prevented this lengthening prevented the inflammation.

Su Fu, PhD A student from Queen Mary University in London and author of the study said, "We have known for some time that a healthy exercise is good for health – we now know the process by which this exercise prevents the breakdown of cartilage. "

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The best basic exercises are those that cover more muscles together and are simple enough to do in the privacy of your home. (Text: Nishtha Sabharwal)

Professor Martin Knight, principal investigator of the study, added: "These results could also explain the anti-inflammatory effects of normal blood flow in the arteries, which is important for the prevention of arterial diseases such as 39, atherosclerosis and aneurysm. "

The researchers hope that these discoveries will contribute to the search for treatments for arthritis that affects more than three million people in the UK and causes stiff and painful joints.

The researchers suggest that the findings could lead to a whole new therapeutic approach known as mechano-medicine, in which drugs would simulate the effect of mechanical forces to prevent the adverse effects of inflammation and treat conditions. diseases such as arthritis.

Take notes, eat healthy and exercise every day: 7 ways to fight depression

Combat Depression

October 10, 2018

Stress and frustration can lead to depression, further affecting mental health.

If it is imperative to consult a health care professional if symptoms of depression are observed, some lifestyle modifications may help combat mild depression. However, moderate to severe depression requires medication.

Nevertheless, lifestyle changes help cure and prevent illness and future episodes.

Dr. Pallavi Aravind Joshi, consulting psychiatrist at Columbia Asia Hospital in Whitefield (Bengaluru), shares 7 tips to fight depression.

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