BEYOND LOCAL: Here's why outdoor play is the best cure for kids


This article, written by Mariana Brussoni, of the University of British Columbia, was originally published in The Conversation and is republished here with permission:

And there was a simple, inexpensive and fun way to tackle the major challenges that humanity faces today. What if it could help improve the health, development and well-being of children?

Imagine a solution that could stop the current epidemics of obesity, anxiety and depression affecting children and young people today. Imagine that this solution can also promote brain health, creativity and academic success and prepare our children for a rapidly changing workforce.

Along the way, this could reduce the incidence of allergies, asthma and other immune problems and improve eye health. This could foster a culture of environmental stewardship and sustainability and help improve the health of cities – promoting neighborhood and sense of belonging to a community.

Imagine that this intervention can also help countries achieve their goals for most of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, such as health and well-being, inclusive and equitable quality education, decent work, economic growth and climate action.

It is not a costly intervention, nor an intervention that parents must force their children to do – like doing homework or eating their vegetables. Rather than dreading this, kids claim to be happiest when they do it and are looking for ways to keep it as long as possible.

What is this simple solution? Play outside.

The magic of outdoor play

Many of us have fond memories of children spent outdoors, hanging out with friends in our neighborhoods, parks and wild places, setting the rules as they go, with minimal supervision (if any) for an adult.

We only have to think about our own game memories to understand how valuable these experiences can be and how they can affect our health and development throughout our lives. Research is now catching up with our intuitions, recognizing the vast and diverse benefits of outdoor play.

Playing outside is not the same as playing indoors. Being outdoors, especially in nature, has unique advantages that are not as easily indoors. When children are allowed to play as they wish in challenging environments, they move more, stay less seated and play longer.

They put their hands in the ground and are exposed to microbes that help them strengthen their immunity. They set their own goals and determine the steps to reach them, helping them to develop their skills for executive functions. They learn, develop resilience and develop social skills, learn to manage risk and stay safe. Their eyes receive the exercise they need to fight myopia.

We rediscover the magic of outdoor play. Governments see it as a way to make children active and avoid the obesity crisis. Schools and early childhood centers see this as a way to promote school and social-emotional learning. Businesses see it as a way to prepare children for jobs of the future that focus on creativity, empathy and connection to others. Children see it as a way to have fun and feel free!

Adults must let go of their fears

To support outdoor games, three key elements are needed: time, space and freedom.

Children need time to play outside. In schools, this means recreation policies that force children to go out every day, find opportunities to use the outdoors to learn and limit homework. At home, this means putting aside screens and limiting scheduled structured activities.

Children also need high quality outdoor spaces to play. This does not necessarily mean expensive gaming equipment. It means spaces where all children feel welcome, whatever their abilities and their background, that they can create themselves and who also have moving parts (sticks, stones, water and cardboard, for example) that they can use and let their imagination shape the game.

In cities, it means being prepared and letting the game unfold everywhere, not just in parks and playgrounds. We need to create inclusive and child-friendly cities, where children feel welcome everywhere and can easily access nature.

Finally, freedom: adults are the biggest obstacle to children's ability to play as they want. We need to give up our excessive fears of injury and kidnapping and realize that the benefits of playing with children are much greater than the risks. My lab has developed a risk-reframing tool for parents and educators to help them in this adventure.

Support the children in your life

Helping children play outdoors can be as easy as opening the front door. It does not have to be complicated or expensive. If we all do our part, we can help bring back this crucial activity that should be part of the daily lives of all children, regardless of age, cultural background, gender or ability.

There are many tools to get you started, whether you're a parent, a caregiver, an educator, a planner or a neighbor.

I encourage you to consider a simple and workable thing that you are going to do today to help the child or children of your life to play.The conversation

– Mariana Brussoni, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Public and Population Health, University of British Columbia

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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