Big question: Will a cure for cancer ever be found? : The standard


In the late 1980s and 1990s, the biggest health issue was whether we could ever find a cure for HIV and AIDS. Thanks to science and research, this disease no longer represents the threat she was used to.

Cancer has become the leading cause of death in the world – 13% of all deaths worldwide are due to cancer. We are now asking the same question about HIV about cancer: are we ever going to find a cure?
The situation is more complicated than that. It is probably not possible to cure cancer because there is no disease called cancer. There are many types of cancer, more than 100 different diseases and we should find a cure for each one.
According to, in all types of cancer, some body cells start to divide without stopping and spread to surrounding tissues. The normal process of cell division in the body is disrupted and old and damaged body cells thought to die fail to do so, while new, unnecessary cells continue to form.

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It is said that if we live long enough, we will all have cancer. Indeed, mutations are the cause of the abnormal division of cells. Mutations occur every day in our body, but with each mutation, it is possible that an error occurs during the process. Finally, it will happen.
Inherited genetic factors are responsible for 5 to 10% of all cancers, the others being due to environmental exposure, occupational risk factors, lifestyle factors, bacteria and viruses, and to certain drugs. Finding cures for cancer is made difficult by the fact that the growth of cancer cells is unpredictable and can resurface even after treatment. A treatment would mean that the person is completely healed, that the cancer will not come back.
Current treatment includes chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy and hormone therapy, which tend to have very unpleasant side effects. Although they work very well for cancers such as prostate and childhood leukemia – where 95% of patients survive – they do not work as well for the most lethal forms of cancer, such as the pancreas where patients have only six percent chance of surviving. years after diagnosis.
The researchers are exploring other treatments that might be the solution, such as gene editing. According to, it is "a process to add, delete or modify genes. In the context of cancer treatment, a new gene would be introduced into cancer cells. This would cause the death of cancer cells or prevent their growth. Virotherapy is another promising treatment: viruses are genetically engineered to target and kill only cancer cells.
The 2010 KEMRI study found that of the 2,292 cancer-related deaths recorded in Nairobi over a two-year period, oral tumors accounted for the largest percentage of casualties.

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According to Acting Director of the National Cancer Institute, Alfred Karagu, most cases of cancer are related to what we consume. "The overconsumption of red meat has multiplied cases of cancer of the esophagus, intestines and stomach," he says.
In Kenya, progress has been made in the management of cancer screening and other preventive measures. Kiragu says they'll start vaccinating all 10-year-old girls against the human papillomavirus (HPV).
Dr. Sridar Susheela, an oncology consultant at Healthcare Global Enterprise in India, said the cost of diagnostic services such as CT scans, MRI, ultrasound, and radioisotopes in Kenya was exorbitant compared to the US. India and other Asian countries.

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